Is the Trinity in the Book of Luke?

Is the Trinity in the Book of Luke?

Luke 13:29–35; 14:1–10 on Papyrus 45 (folio 15; c. 250 AD)

In our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit in the various books of the New Testament, this article will examine the Gospel of Luke. Is the Trinity doctrine in the Book of Luke?

Luke 1:31“Name him Jesus,” (not God, or Yahweh)

Luke 1:32 “called the Son of the Most High, the Lord God will give him the throne of David” – The greater gives to the lesser. He will be called, not God, but “the Son of the Most High” who is “the Lord God.” read more

Introduction – Where is the Trinity?

Introduction – Where is the Trinity?

In the 27 books of the New Testament (NT), this core doctrine (the Trinity) of most Protestant, Catholic, and non-denominational churches should be prolific, and abundantly clear. Is it?

Each New Testament Bible book has certain statements of its main points, its core ideas. Church leaders generally assert that the Father is God, Jesus, the Son, is God, and the holy Spirit is God, and yet, they are just one God, not three Gods. They are said to be each eternal and equal in this “Godhead,” as they call it. If these ideas are true, we should see this clearly in the NT. Do we? read more

Is the Trinity in the Gospel of Mark?

Is the Trinity in the Gospel of Mark?

The Gospel According to Mark
Is the Trinity in Mark?

What are the scriptures that the gospel Mark is teaching about God? Is the Trinity in Mark? — Is Jesus Christ God Almighty, and also God the Son, or is he the Son of God, the Messiah, and the Son of Man? Is the holy Spirit portrayed as a person in Mark?

Mark 1:1 – “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ [the Son of God]” (NAB). “Some important manuscripts here omit the Son of God” (NAB note on Mark 1:1). One important point that we can glean from this is that no manuscripts of Mark 1:1 call Jesus ‘God,’ or ‘God the Son.’ read more

Is the Trinity in John? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Is the Trinity in John? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Is the Trinity doctrine in the book of John? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God? The gospel of John opens with the words:

“The Word was God”—John 1:1

The Bible itself is completely reliable and trustworthy (2 Timothy 3:16,17). It “actually is, the word of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:13 NIV).  However, there are some “false doctrines” (1 Timothy 1:3,4 NIV) taught by many religions, churches, and preachers as though they were “the truth” (John 17:17). The Trinity doctrine is commonly preached and believed, but it is controversial. The gospel of John is the Bible book most often used in support of the Trinity doctrine. We need to know whether the Trinity doctrine is in the book of John, or whether it is what these Bible scholars say it is: read more

Is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Almighty God?

Is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Almighty God?

Shown below are some scriptures that are used to prove Jesus Christ is Almighty God. Let’s carefully examine these in the light of the scriptures.

Isaiah 9:6 – “Mighty God”. Notice that the scripture doesn’t call him “Almighty God”. It calls him “Mighty God”. Jesus is powerful, but not all-powerful. Almighty God told Moses, “See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh” (Exodus 7:1 NKJV). The verse also predicts: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given”. “Child” and “son”cannot apply to Almighty God because “God is spirit” (John 4:24), and “God is not human” (Numbers 23:19 NIV). read more

Human Lifespan Limit Confirmed by Science Verifies Bible Truth

Human Lifespan Limit Confirmed by Science Verifies Bible Truth


The Bible’s veracity or truth about the human lifespan is confirmed again by modern science in an article published on BBC, entitled: “Limit to human life may be 115 (ish).”

While we certainly don’t want to be dogmatic, since Genesis 6:3 could mean God was saying that he would flood the earth in 120 years from that point in time, the Bible and science and history combine to point out this recently discovered truth.

A look at the lifetimes of people in Genesis 5 tells us people were commonly living 700,800 and 900+ years prior to the flood (yes, these were literal solar years, like ours today). The demarcation point is the global flood, where God sets of new limit, saying: read more

Charred Manuscript is one of Oldest Known Copies of Torah

Charred Manuscript is one of Oldest Known Copies of Torah

Newspaper Article
Click to enlarge

The Bible has not been changed. Through many hundreds of years of hand-copying worn-out scrolls, the Bible did not change. The En-Gedi scroll, discovered in 1970, and featured in the article above, is just one of many proofs of this fact.

“For, ‘all people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.’ And this is the word that was preached to you.”—1 Peter 1:24,25 NIV read more

Does 1 John Teach the Trinity Doctrine?

Does 1 John Teach the Trinity Doctrine?

False Doctrines
“Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. ” (1 John 4:1)

The letter of 1 John was one of the last books of the New Testament to be written. Trinitarians say that the New Testament teaches the Trinity doctrine with absolute definiteness. If these assertions are true, we should surely find some evidence of such at this late date in the first century, because “the faith . . . was once for all handed down to the holy ones” (Jude 3 NAB) with the completion of the Bible. So let’s see exactly what we do find when we examine the scriptures themselves: read more

Is the Trinity Doctrine in the Book of Romans?

Is the Trinity Doctrine in the Book of Romans?

Is the Bible reliable?
Is the Trinity doctrine in Romans?

In our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit, is there any evidence of the Trinity doctrine in the various books of the New Testament? This article examines whether the Trinity is in Romans.

“Romans is theologically the most important of all the epistles written by Paul, and it contains his most comprehensive and logical presentation of the gospel . . . this foundational New Testament book”—Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, page 380 read more

End-Time Prophecy?

End-Time Prophecy?

End-Time Prophecy is unscriptural, if for no other reason – Jesus said no one except his Father would know, including Jesus!

·         Matthew 24:36 – no one knows, but the Father

·         Mark 13:32 – no one knows, but the Father

·         Acts 1:7 – those times are not for you to know

·         1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 – “About the times and dates… you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” The day would come suddenly, without prior buildup. read more

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