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Category: Evolution

How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned

How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned

The story of Ota Benga is a sad and maddening example of the kinds of blunders that occurred at a time when the theory of Darwinism was rationalizing the evolution of humanity.

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie.” (Romans 1:25 NIV)

On February 6, 2006, The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled: “How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned.” A scan of the newspaper page can be viewed below:

How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned
The Wall Street Journal, Feb 6, 2006, Pg. B1 (Click to Enlarge)

“The wisdom of the world is foolish in God’s sight.” (1 Corinthians 3:19 NIV) read more

Oldest croc eggs discovered in dinosaur nest

Oldest croc eggs discovered in dinosaur nest

The oldest croc eggs have been discovered in a dinosaur nest, according to a BBC News article published on March 9, 2017.

The article says “this new discovery from Portugal extends the knowledge of this type of egg by approximately 40 million years.” It goes on the say “the fossil record tells us that crocodiles and their relatives were much more diverse in the past.”

Oldest croc eggs
Crocodile eggs have changed little in shape in the last 150 million years

But notice what is also said: “They are remarkably similar to the eggs of modern crocodiles, suggesting crocodile eggs have changed little in shape in the last 150 million years.” read more

Robber Fly – Highly Adapted or Designed?

Robber Fly – Highly Adapted or Designed?

The robber fly is a powerfully built, bristly fly with a short, stout proboscis enclosing the sharp, sucking hypopharynx. The name “robber fly” reflects its notoriously aggressive predatory habits; it feeds mainly or exclusively on other insects and as a rule it waits in ambush and catches its prey in flight.

A robber fly
The Asilidae are the robber fly family, also called assassin flies

A BBC News article published on March 9, 2017, entitled “Robber fly: Hunting secrets of a tiny predator revealed,” reports that the mid-air hunting strategy of the robber fly has been revealed by an international team of scientists. read more

Archaeopteryx Fossil – Evidence of Macroevolution?

Archaeopteryx Fossil – Evidence of Macroevolution?

BBC News published an article on March 8, 2017, entitled: “‘Rock star’ Archaeopteryx fossil heads for Japan.” It can be read here.

Archaeopteryx fossil
Archaeopteryx fossil from London’s Natural History Museum

This article shows how desperate evolutionists are to promote Darwinism. Archaeopteryx is one of their long-time icons. It is portrayed as a “missing link” between dinosaurs and modern birds. There are just a couple of problems with this. First, there is no evidence proving modern birds are descending from it. Second, its ancestors that scientists assert descended from it do not appear until millions of years after it! Unbelievable, isn’t it? read more

DNA Lets Sharks Take a Bite Out of Cancer–Evolution or Creation?

DNA Lets Sharks Take a Bite Out of Cancer–Evolution or Creation?

Researchers are finding clues to cancer in shark genes.

Are humans really higher on the “evolutionary chain” than sharks? USA Today published an article on January 30, 2017 entitled: “Could sharks be the key to solving human cancer?

A new study of shark DNA shows that unique evolutionary changes in immunity genes may explain how sharks’ open wounds heal so fast and why the ocean’s top predator rarely gets cancer.

But, scientist warn, simply eating shark meat or other parts won’t help humans battle cancer. In fact, eating sharks could be detrimental to human health because of high levels of mercury found in these “apex predators.” read more

Scientists find ‘oldest human ancestor’

Scientists find ‘oldest human ancestor’

How countless are Your works, Lord!
In wisdom You have made them all;
the earth is full of Your creatures.
Here is the sea, vast and wide,
teeming with creatures beyond number—
living things both large and small.
(Psalm 104:24-25)

On January 30, 2017, BBC News published an article entitled “Scientists find ‘oldest human ancestor,'” which suggests that humans evolved from other life forms.

Notice how many times conjectural words such as “thought to,” “probably,” “may,” “we think,” “suggests,” “conclude,” and “might” appear in this short article. read more

Ants’ Navigation More Sophisticated Than Humans

Ants’ Navigation More Sophisticated Than Humans

The brain of an ant is the size of a pinhead

Ants have a navigation system that is more sophisticated than humans.

“Go to the ant, you lazy man! Observe its ways and become wise.” (Proverbs 6:6-8)

“Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise: the ants are not a strong people, yet they store up their food in the summer.” (Proverbs 30:24-25)

A new article on the BBC News website published on January 19, 2017, entitled “Ants use Sun and memories to navigate” says:

Ants are even more impressive at navigating than we thought. read more

New “human-like species” discovered

New “human-like species” discovered

BBC has posted a new article claiming that a new “human-like species” has been discovered in South Africa, which they have given the name naledi. The discovery of 15 partial skeletons has led some researchers to conclude that may be a different species of human-like creatures than was previously known. From these partial skeletons pictures have been drawn showing what the researchers think these creatures may have looked like.

We knew Darwinian evolution was in “crisis” mode, but this discovery really takes the cake! Evolutionists don’t know what to make of it, or how to fit it into their theory. Why? Because it doesn’t fit (just like some other discoveries). Of course, artists can draw fictional images that fit whatever they want it to. read more

“Have We Underestimated Our Ancestors?” – Early Humans?

“Have We Underestimated Our Ancestors?” – Early Humans?


new BBC News article says that evidence from a variety of sources suggests that our early ancestors were much more sophisticated than we could have imagined.

Here we go again. More and more discoveries are proving evolutionary theories wrong. Early humans were much more complex than they imagined. That is just what the Bible said about the first humans all along. For example, the very earliest humans mentioned in Genesis:

The Bible, being ahead of its time, once again trumps evolutionary scientists and their theories about early humans. read more

“How Do We Know Evolution is Real?” – Is Evolution Real?

“How Do We Know Evolution is Real?” – Is Evolution Real?

Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin

A BBC article about evolution, with the title,“How Do We Know Evolution is Real?”, was published on August 3, 2015. This article is very typical of attempts to support Darwinian evolution or macroevolution. The article makes many assertions, assumptions, theoretical suggestions, etc. without proof or any documented scientific evidence.Is evolution real?

The only “example” of “Darwinian evolution” the article cites is breeding dogs to produce new, or different, breeds. It asserts that this is how macroevolution or Darwinism works. The only problem is that producing different breeds of dogs is an example of microevolution – small changes within kinds (Genesis 1:11-12; Genesis 1:21; Genesis 1:24-25), not Macro-evolution (changes from one species to another). read more

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