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Category: Creation

Oldest croc eggs discovered in dinosaur nest

Oldest croc eggs discovered in dinosaur nest

The oldest croc eggs have been discovered in a dinosaur nest, according to a BBC News article published on March 9, 2017.

The article says “this new discovery from Portugal extends the knowledge of this type of egg by approximately 40 million years.” It goes on the say “the fossil record tells us that crocodiles and their relatives were much more diverse in the past.”

Oldest croc eggs
Crocodile eggs have changed little in shape in the last 150 million years

But notice what is also said: “They are remarkably similar to the eggs of modern crocodiles, suggesting crocodile eggs have changed little in shape in the last 150 million years.” read more

Robber Fly – Highly Adapted or Designed?

Robber Fly – Highly Adapted or Designed?

The robber fly is a powerfully built, bristly fly with a short, stout proboscis enclosing the sharp, sucking hypopharynx. The name “robber fly” reflects its notoriously aggressive predatory habits; it feeds mainly or exclusively on other insects and as a rule it waits in ambush and catches its prey in flight.

A robber fly
The Asilidae are the robber fly family, also called assassin flies

A BBC News article published on March 9, 2017, entitled “Robber fly: Hunting secrets of a tiny predator revealed,” reports that the mid-air hunting strategy of the robber fly has been revealed by an international team of scientists. read more

The Universe is Expanding Rapidly, at an Ever Increasing Rate

The Universe is Expanding Rapidly, at an Ever Increasing Rate

On Monday, June 21, 1999, the Tallahassee Democrat published a newspaper article entitled: “Universe is expanding rapidly, at ever increasing rate.” A scan of the article can be view below:

"Universe is expanding rapdidly, at ever increasing rate" (pa<a class=ge 1 of article)" width="231" height="300" />
Page 1 (Click to enlarge)
"Universe is expanding rapdidly, at ever increasing rate" (pa<a class=ge 2 of article)" width="235" height="300" />
Page 2 (Click to enlarge)

This discovery surprised scientists back in 1998. Being generally agnostic or atheistic, they don’t much like this. Why? Because as Stephen Hawking said, it has “religious overtones and implications.” Why? Because, as he said, the universe is confirmed to be “expanding at the critical rate.” That is, not only to continue expanding at an ever increasing rate, but at just exactly the precise rate to go on expanding forever. There is no way this could happen by accident, or without a guiding hand – in other words, by a “Creator” (Isaiah 42:5). read more

Did Fire and Pine Trees Co-Evolve?

Did Fire and Pine Trees Co-Evolve?


Did fire and pine trees co-evolve? According to an article published March 10, 2016 on BBC News, scientists have discovered the oldest-known fossil of a pine tree. The article says: “these oldest pine fossils are preserved as charcoal, the product of fire, suggesting that the co-occurrence of fire and pines is something that’s very ancient, that goes back to the very origin of these first pine trees.” If fire and pines “co-evolved,” why is it not possible they were both created by the same creator? read more

Is There Any Evidence of Alternate, Parallel or Multiple Universes?

Is There Any Evidence of Alternate, Parallel or Multiple Universes?


Some people, including scientists, believe there are alternate, parallel or multiple universes that exist. This idea is also called the Strong Anthropic Principle (SAP), What are the facts?

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible”—Hebrews 11:1 NIV

MSN News published an article on November 4, 2015 about possible new evidence of alternate or parallel universes. The article says:

“Prepare to have your mind blown. read more

‘Candy Shop’ of Weird Animal Fossils Found

‘Candy Shop’ of Weird Animal Fossils Found

Click for larger view

The above article was published in the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper on October 17, 2015.

While it is unwise to be dogmatic, this discovery sounds a lot like the Bible’s account of the global flood, and its resultant destruction, as recorded at Genesis 7:17-23. At the very least, this discovery does not contradict the Bible.

“Have We Underestimated Our Ancestors?” – Early Humans?

“Have We Underestimated Our Ancestors?” – Early Humans?


new BBC News article says that evidence from a variety of sources suggests that our early ancestors were much more sophisticated than we could have imagined.

Here we go again. More and more discoveries are proving evolutionary theories wrong. Early humans were much more complex than they imagined. That is just what the Bible said about the first humans all along. For example, the very earliest humans mentioned in Genesis:

The Bible, being ahead of its time, once again trumps evolutionary scientists and their theories about early humans. read more

Extinct Fractofusus More Complicated than Evolutionists Thought

Extinct Fractofusus More Complicated than Evolutionists Thought


There is a BBC News article that reports an early creature, called fractofusus,  was much more complicated than scientists realized until now. The story can be read here:

With virtually each new discovery like this, Darwinists evolutionary scientists are sent scrambling to try to explain it in the light of their faltering theory. Unfortunately for them, the facts are, and always have been, on the side of Biblical creation as expressed in Genesis 1:11-12, Genesis 1:21, and Genesis 1:24-25 where plants, flying creatures, creatures who live in water, and land animals produce after their own “kinds.” read more

Earth magnetic shield is older than previously thought

Earth magnetic shield is older than previously thought


There is a new BBC News article that reports that the earth’s magnetic shield is older than scientists previously thought. The story can be read here:

Scientists say the magnetic shield makes the earth unique when compared to other planets, because it shields out harmful solar radiation. This is only one of the thousands of “lucky accidents” making the earth just right for life! Actually, it’s the work of the “one perfect in knowledge.” (Job 36:4) read more

Ancient Creation Stories and Narratives

Ancient Creation Stories and Narratives

Is the Bible just another one of many ancient creation stories, or is it different?

The Lord God, the Almighty . . . made the whole universe”—Revelation 4:8,11 NJB

In contrast to the Biblical cre­ation narratives, ancient creation stories from Mesopotamia, Egypt and Syria-Palestine do far more than try to explain how the physical world came into being. Creation myths often elevated the particular god of a particular shrine to supremacy over all other gods in order to validate the pres­tige of that deity, that shrine or the city in which the shrine was located. read more

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