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Category: Jesus Christ

Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians?

Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians?

Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians? In the Bible book of 1 Thessalonians, are God and Jesus and spoken of as separate and distinct? Is the holy Spirit a person? Let’s examine these questions in some of the verses in 1 Thessalonians.

1 Thessalonians
Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians? God and Jesus are spoken of as separate and distinct in 1 Thessalonians

“In God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:1) Here, God and Jesus are referred to as two separate and distinct individuals. Why are they not “in” the holy Spirit, if it is a person?

“Before our God and Father… inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:3) God, the Father, is one person, and the Lord Jesus Christ is another person. read more

Is the Trinity in Philippians? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Is the Trinity in Philippians? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

This article is part of our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and whether they together comprise a Trinity, in the various books of the New Testament. We will examine the four chapter book of Philippians. Notice the distinctive relationship between God and Jesus throughout this book of Philippians, especially the superior role of God compared to Jesus. What does it say about the holy Spirit? Is the Trinity in Philippians?

Is the Trinity found in Philippians? The superior role of God compared to Jesus is evident from the Bible book of Philippians

“To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi.” (Philippians 1:1) God is always the one in control, and is using Christ to gather his people. read more

Holy Spirit & Trinity – Greetings & Praises From/To In Bible Letters?

Holy Spirit & Trinity – Greetings & Praises From/To In Bible Letters?

In the Bible, particularly the New Testament letters, greetings are given from God and Jesus in 20 of the 21 New Testament canonical letters. We know that God the Father and Jesus Christ are both persons, so we should expect to see their greetings, and we do in these 20 letters. (Third John does not have such a greeting or praises.) But what about the Holy Spirit and the Trinity? If the holy Spirit is a person, or if the Trinity is a real entity, we should expect to see some type of greetings from the holy Spirit, and/or the Trinity, and/or praises to the holy spirit, or Trinity, as well. But is this the case? Let’s examine the greetings in the letters to find out. read more

Different Resurrection Appearances – ‘Proofs,’ or Contradictions?

Different Resurrection Appearances – ‘Proofs,’ or Contradictions?

Different resurrection appearances
Some have claimed the different accounts of resurrection appearances are “proof” of contradictions

Some have claimed the different accounts of Jesus’ resurrection appearances in the four Gospels and 1 Corinthians are “proofs” these Bible books are riddled with errors and contradictions. If true, these would, in turn,” prove” the Bible not to be inspired of God, or infallible, as many Christians believe that it is.

The Bible itself says that these different resurrection appearances confirm the Bible’s inspiration by God.

“To whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.” (Acts 1:3 NKJV, emphasis added) read more

Eyewitnesses of Jesus’ Death, Burial, and Resurrection

Eyewitnesses of Jesus’ Death, Burial, and Resurrection

Witnesses of Jesus
Were there any eyewitnesses to Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection?

Critics of the Bible claim there are no eyewitnesses of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. This article takes an objective look at the facts.

“[The Gospels] were written down thirty-five to sixty-five years after Jesus’ death . . . not by people who were eyewitnesses, but by people living later”—Jesus, Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millenneum, 2005, pages 44-45, by Bart Ehrman

“There is not a sentence concerning Jesus in the entire New Testament  by anyone who had ever met the unwilling King of the Jews”—Jesus and Yahweh, 2005, page 19, by H. Bloom read more

Matthew the Tax Collector – A Proven Eyewitness

Matthew the Tax Collector – A Proven Eyewitness

Matthew the Tax Collector
Matthew was an eyewitness to many of the events he wrote about

Many “Bible scholars” claim that Matthew relied on Mark’s gospel as the primary source to write his gospel. Why would Matthew the tax collector, one of Jesus’ twelve apostles, rely so much on Mark’s account? The answer?  He didn’t. He was an eyewitness of much of what he wrote, so there was no need for him rely on Mark, who was not an eyewitness, but a recorder of the apostle Peter’s memories (1 Peter 5:13). Both Matthew and Mark wrote their gospels “inspired by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). read more

Can One Who Believes in Trinity Have Relationship with God?

Can One Who Believes in Trinity Have Relationship with God?

Relationship with God

Many churches and preachers teach that the Trinity doctrine is true Biblical. On this basis, therefore many sincere Christians believe in the Trinity doctrine. Can a person who who in the Trinity have a relationship with God?

“It is God who judges”—Psalm 75:7 NIV;  “God is a righteous judge”—Psalm 7:11 NIV“He is a God of justice”—Psalm 50:6 NIV;  “Why do you judge your brother or sister?”—Romans 14:10 NIV;  “Be as wary as serpents, and as innocent as doves”—Matthew 10:16 NASB read more

Jesus’ Resurrection – Scriptural Evidence

Jesus’ Resurrection – Scriptural Evidence

Is there any evidence for the resurrection?
Is there any evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus?

What scriptural evidence do we have about the resurrection of Jesus? What did people living in the first century think about reports of Jesus’ death and resurrection? Are there clues in the Bible as to whether the story is true or not? Let’s examine some Bible verses to find out.

Matthew 27:57-60; Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:54-60; John 19:38-42 Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, prominent members of the Jewish ruling council, would have been well known in Jerusalem, as well as to Pilate. This could not be fiction, since this could easily be refuted, if false. read more

Were Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances Physical or Spiritual?

Were Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances Physical or Spiritual?

Resurrection Appearances
What do Jesus’ appearances after his resurrection tell us?

“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is in vain”—1 Corinthians 15:17 NAB

There is no doubt that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. But how? In a physical body, or in a spiritual body?

There are a number of appearances by Jesus recorded after his resurrection. What do these appearances tell us about his resurrection? Are there clues as to whether his resurrection was in a physical body or a spiritual body? Let’s examine the Bible to find out.

“The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit”—1 Corinthians 15:45 HCSB read more

Jesus’ Resurrection – Spirit or Fleshly Body?

Jesus’ Resurrection – Spirit or Fleshly Body?

Jesus' Resurrection - Spirit or Physical?
Was Jesus resurrected as a spirit or with a fleshly body?

It is widely preached and believed that Jesus was resurrected with a physical body. It is even asserted that if one doesn’t believe Jesus was resurrected with a physical body, then that person denies that Jesus was resurrected.  According to the Bible, was Jesus resurrected as a spirit or with a fleshly body? Let’s examine the scriptures to find out.

1 Corinthians 15:20 – “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.” (NIV)

Hebrews 10:10 – “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ.” (NIV) Jesus’ physical body was consumed by God as a whole burnt offering. read more

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