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Category: Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Is Jesus A Creature Who Has God Over Him?

Is Jesus A Creature Who Has God Over Him?

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The Trinity doctrine says that Jesus, the Son of God, is not a creature, but is Almighty God himself. However, could it possibly be true that Jesus is a creature who has God over him? If Jesus is a creature with God over him, the Trinity doctrine is proven false. The following is a discussion with a Trinitarian about these and related issues. “T” stands for Trinitarian, and “BA” stands for us at this website.

BA—Since the Bible says he is “the firstborn of every creature” (Col 1:15 KJV), “whose origin is from of old, from ancient days” (Micah 5:2 NRSV).
T – The firstborn of every creature; not the first of the creation, or the first creature God made; for all things in Colossians 1:16 are said to be created by him, and therefore he himself can never be a creature. read more

Was Jesus “The Angel of The LORD” In The Old Testament?

Was Jesus “The Angel of The LORD” In The Old Testament?

The Angel of the Lord appearing to Hagar in the wilderness, as depicted by Nicolas Colombel in the mid 17th century

Sometimes Trinitarians claim that Jesus was “the Angel of the LORD” in the Old Testament. The following is an actual discussion with a Trinitarian who is very adamant about such a claim. In the quoted discussion below,”T” stands for the Trinitarian, and “BA” stands for us at this website.

T—Most of the Christophanies in the Old Testament are accomplished by the entity called “the Angel of the Lord.”

BA—There are no “Christophanies” in the OT. Not a single scripture supports such a thing.“And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior” (2 Timothy 2:10 NIV). Jesus was alive all during the OT, but never appeared to anyone on earth until the NT. read more

Bible Knowledge Solves Trinity Enigma

Bible Knowledge Solves Trinity Enigma

Photo man reading the bible man reading the bible

There is no doubt that Almighty God, the God of the Bible exists! But what is he like? Jesus said, “God is a spirit” (John 4:24 ESV). But what exactly is the spirit called God? The Trinity doctrine is usually presented as the main explanation of God, and is widely believed to be true because it is said to be in the Bible. But, even its most scholarly adherents and proponents admit they don’t really understand it, calling it a “mystery”. Can Bible knowledge solve the Trinity mystery? read more

Is Jesus Christ Equal To God?

Is Jesus Christ Equal To God?

Is Jesus Christ equal to God? Based on the following scripture, and what they have heard, or been told, many people think so.

 “For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the sabbath, but was also calling God his own Father, thereby making himself equal to God” (John 5:19 NRSV). 

If we look at this scripture closely, and think about it logically, there are three serious problems with the claim that Jesus made himself equal with God, and so he must be God.. read more

The Triune God

The Triune God

The image above represents the views of the vast majority of Christian denominations, organizations and groups. The quotes below indicate how much belief in the Triune God is considered to be orthodox, or normal, for Christians.

“God is triune; there are within the Godhead three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”—J J Packer

“The Holy Spirit, part of the Triune God Himself, lives in the hearts of each person who believes in the gospel of Jesus Christ—Billy Graham

“We meet the triune God as he gives himself to us in the 

history of salvation, as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”—Fred Sanders read more

Can Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Be God’s Servant?

Can Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Be God’s Servant?

Ultimate authority?
How can Jesus be God if he is God’s servant?

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is said by many to be Almighty God, “God the Son,” the second person of the Trinity. However, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is mentioned in the Bible as being God’s “servant.” In view of the claims that Jesus is Almighty God, how can he be God’s servant? First, let’s look at some of the claims about him:

“Peter’s sermon identifies Jesus with the ‘I Am’ of Israel’s history”—The Word In Life Study Bible, page 1928citing Acts 3:11-26 as “proof.” read more

Is the Trinity in the Book of Deuteronomy?

Is the Trinity in the Book of Deuteronomy?

Trinitarians symbol

Is the Trinity in Deuteronomy?

“Within the one Being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons, namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”—The Forgotten Trinity, page 23, by James R. White

“We hang a person’s very salvation upon the acceptance of the doctrine”—The Forgotten Trinity, page 10

Deuteronomy is the final division of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, written by Moses. Originally it was on one scroll in ancient Hebrew, which did not have vowels. When the Torah was translated in the 3rd century BCE into Greek, which has vowels, it was divided into five books – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy reviews God dealings with Israel, and reviews and restates the Mosaic Law Covenant, which is ratified prior to Israel’s entry into the Promised Land.  read more

Is the Trinity in the Book of Isaiah?

Is the Trinity in the Book of Isaiah?

“A cornerstone belief of the Christian faith, the doctrine of the Trinity . . . What is the doctrine of the Trinity? . . . There is only one God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three eternal, coequal Persons where each Person is independently conscious and self-directing but never acting independently of one another and always manifesting the same character attributes and the same nature. Where in the Bible is the Trinity taught? . . . It is taught in 25 of the 27 books of the New Testament and in 13 of the 39 books of the Old Testament”—“Does the Book of Isaiah Teach the Trinity?”, Reasons to Believe (RTB) blogsite, by Hugh Ross, July 20, 2020 read more

Are God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit a Trinity? – 2 Corinthians

Are God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit a Trinity? – 2 Corinthians

Holy Spirit greetings?
Where is the Trinity in 2 Corinthians?

The New Testament book of 2 Corinthians was written about 25 years after Jesus’ death and the start of Christianity. Is the Trinity doctrine in 2 Corinthians?

“The Trinity is one of the most important teachings of the Christian faith. It defines God’s very essence and describes how he relates to us”—The Forgotten Trinity, back cover

Since Second Corinthians was written about twenty-fives after the start of Christianity, we would expect to see at least some evidence of such an important doctrine as the Trinity in the letter’s 13 chapters, if it is a true Christian doctrine. Let’s examine scriptures from this book which tell us something about God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit. read more

Is Jesus Christ God, or Part of a Trinity, in Philemon?

Is Jesus Christ God, or Part of a Trinity, in Philemon?

Is the Trinity in the book of Philemon?

“For love’s sake I prefer to appeal to you–I, Paul, an old man and now a prisoner also for Christ Jesus”—Philemon 1:9 ESV 

In this very

Is the Bible reliable?
Is the Trinity in the book of Philemon?

short New Testament book of only 25 verses, Jesus Christ is specifically mentioned eight times, God two times, and the holy Spirit is not mentioned at all. In such a brief letter, only so much can be discussed, of course, so the holy Spirit’s omission is not surprising. This is especially so when we consider that the letter’s subject matter is not primarily doctrinal, but, instead, focuses on the relationship of the wealthy Christian Philemon with his runaway slave Onesimus, whom the apostle Paul in Rome has recently converted to Christianity, and is sending him back to Philemon in Colossae with this letter, appealing to Philemon to do the right thing (Philemon 1:10-21). read more

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