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Category: Doctrines

Discussion About Sheol, Gehenna and Hades

Discussion About Sheol, Gehenna and Hades

Valley of Hinnom
A photo of Gehenna at Jerusalem   Many Bibles render the Hebrew words Sheol, Gehenna and Hades as “Hell”. What are the accurate translations? The following is an actual discussion about this issue.

BA: “Hell” translates the Greek word “hades”, not “Gehenna”.

XX: Please present evidence from an expert on your claim about the translation. I want quotes, citations, and links.

BA–“Gehenna . . . It is place where the wicked are destroyed body and soul, which perhaps echos the idea of annihilation (Mt 10:28). . . . These passages suggest the apocalyptic imagery of other NT passages is to be taken for what is, imagery, and not as strictly literal theological affirmation”—Dictionary of the Bible, pp 299-300, by John L McKenzie, S. J. read more

Should Modern Christians Speak In “Tongues”?

Should Modern Christians Speak In “Tongues”?

    Speaking in Tongues - Fort Worth Christian Counseling

Millions of people around the world claim to have the “gift of tongues”, and to be able to “speak in tongues”. That the Bible speaks of such a gift is beyond dispute. The New Testament books of Acts and 1 Corinthians contain historical and doctrinal information relating to this gift of the spirit. What about today? Is the miraculous gift of “speaking in tongues” still happening today?


What Were They?

First of all, let’s consider what “speaking in tongues” was in the 1st century. When miraculous “tongues” were first spoken, “there were devout Jews from every nation” present in the crowd, and although “all these people who [were] speaking [were] Galileans . . . each [person in the crowd heard] them in his own native language” (Acts 2:4-8 NAB). In attendance at that gathering of Jews from all around the Roman Empire were people from about 15 diverse areas, who were native speakers of about that many different languages, hearing Galilean Jews “speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves” (Acts 2:4 NJB). These speakers were empowered by the holy Spirit to miraculously speak foreign languages that they did not know. And yet, each person in the crowd heard “them preaching in [their] own native language about the marvels of God” (Acts 2:11 NJB).  read more

Does Philippians 2:6 Say That Jesus Is Equal To God?

Does Philippians 2:6 Say That Jesus Is Equal To God?

Many translations of Philippians 2:6 give the impression that Jesus Christ is equal with his Father, Almighty God. For example:

 (ESV) who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped, /  Or a thing to be held on to for advantage”  but emptied himself,

(NIV) Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;” rather, he made himself nothing,

(NLV) Jesus has always been as God is. But He did not hold to His rights as God.” He put aside everything that belonged to Him,  read more

The Spanish Inquisition Type of Atrocities Foretold In Bible

The Spanish Inquisition Type of Atrocities Foretold In Bible

An auto-da-fé, an important ritual of the Spanish Inquisition, being performed in Madrid, Spain in 1680.
An auto-da-fé, an important ritual of the Spanish Inquisition, being performed in Madrid, Spain in 1680. | Wikimedia Commons

The horrible persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church officially began February 6,1481. These types of atrocities by “Christians” were actually foretold and warned about in the Bible.

“The time will come when those who kill you will think that by doing this they are serving God.”—John 16:2 GNB

The following article, “The First Spanish Inquisition of February 6, 1481”,  appeared in The Christian Post on February 2, 2025:

“This week marks the anniversary of when the first ever auto-da-fé, a ceremony of the Spanish Inquisition in which heretics confess their crimes before being punished, took place in Sevilla. read more

Does Forgiving Sins Mean Jesus Is God?

Does Forgiving Sins Mean Jesus Is God?

Nigel W.D. Mumford - Jesus heals the paralytic lowered down ...

Many Christians have been taught and believe that Jesus Christ is Almighty God because he actually forgave sins while he was on earth. Does forgiving sins mean that Jesus is God? Let’s analyze the scriptures objectively, and see for ourselves.

Mark 2:5-7“When Jesus saw their faith, he saw to the  paralytic, ‘Child, your sins are forgiven.’ Now some of the scribes were sitting there asking themselves, ‘ Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming. Who but God alone can forgive sins?” (NAB).  Does this assertion by Jesus’ enemies that, ‘only God can forgive sins’, mean that Jesus is God? Notice next what term Jesus uses to describe himself: read more

Are Calvinism and Predestination Biblical?

Are Calvinism and Predestination Biblical?

Difference Between Predestination ...

Is Calvinism Biblical? How do Calvinistic views agree or disagree with the Bible? Are Calvinism and predestination Biblical? The following article from The Christian Post, January 7, 2025, examines these issues.

The Gospel according to Calvinism

“The salvation of a single soul is more important than the production or preservation of all the epics and tragedies in the world … The glory of God, and, as our only means to glorifying Him, the salvation of human souls, is the real business of life” (C.S. Lewis).

In Luke Chapter 2 we get an account of the first words spoken by Jesus in the Gospels, “ … I must be about My Father’s business” (Luke 2:49 NKJV) read more

Who Is Jesus’ God?

Who Is Jesus’ God?

picture jesus christ greg olson joy lord

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is said to be Almighty God, along with God the Father, and the holy Spirit. However, according to the scriptures Jesus Christ has a God. Who could this be? Who is Jesus’ God?

“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions”—Hebrews 1:9 ESV

From the above scripture, Jesus’ God has anointed him more anyone else. Who is Jesus Christ’s God?

                                   My God read more

Personification of The Holy Spirit & Other Inanimate Things

Personification of The Holy Spirit & Other Inanimate Things

The work of the Holy Spirit – Living ...  

While most of the Bible is literal, there are many figures of speech used in the scriptures. One of these is personification, which has been defined as “the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman”. The holy Spirit is sometimes described in the Bible by using personification. The personification of the holy Spirit is often misunderstood in a way that causes believers in the Trinity doctrine to believe the holy Spirit is a person, “third person of the Trinity”. For example: read more

Is Jesus A Creature Who Has God Over Him?

Is Jesus A Creature Who Has God Over Him?

<a class=Colossians 1- Deity of Christ ..." width="225" height="225" data-ilt="1735243412172" />

The Trinity doctrine says that Jesus, the Son of God, is not a creature, but is Almighty God himself. However, could it possibly be true that Jesus is a creature who has God over him? If Jesus is a creature with God over him, the Trinity doctrine is proven false. The following is a discussion with a Trinitarian about these and related issues. “T” stands for Trinitarian, and “BA” stands for us at this website.

BA—Since the Bible says he is “the firstborn of every creature” (Col 1:15 KJV), “whose origin is from of old, from ancient days” (Micah 5:2 NRSV).
T – The firstborn of every creature; not the first of the creation, or the first creature God made; for all things in Colossians 1:16 are said to be created by him, and therefore he himself can never be a creature. read more

“‘The Angel of the LORD’ Isn’t An Angel, He’s Jesus”?

“‘The Angel of the LORD’ Isn’t An Angel, He’s Jesus”?

“Some say the Angel of the LORD in the Hebrew Scriptures is no different from other angels. But He is far different. In fact, He is God Himself.”—-Trinitarian Website

It is very awkward for Trinitarians to believe that Jesus is eternally co-equal and co-eternal with God, and yet he’s never mentioned in the Old Testament (OT), but the holy Spirit is. When we read the New Testament, however, we cannot miss the active role that Jesus plays as Savior and Head of the Church. To support their eternal Triune God dogma, Trinitarians have concocted the unscriptural idea that Jesus, as their “second person of the Trinity”, was “the angel of the LORD” who is mentioned a number of times in the OT.
This is the viewpoint that Trinitarians argue from, and we are defending what the scriptures actually say, in the discussion with a Trinitarian that follows. (“BA” stands for us here at this website, and “T” stands for the Trinitarian.) read more

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