Archaeopteryx Fossil – Evidence of Macroevolution?
BBC News published an article on March 8, 2017, entitled: “‘Rock star’ Archaeopteryx fossil heads for Japan.” It can be read here.

This article shows how desperate evolutionists are to promote Darwinism. Archaeopteryx is one of their long-time icons. It is portrayed as a “missing link” between dinosaurs and modern birds. There are just a couple of problems with this. First, there is no evidence proving modern birds are descending from it. Second, its ancestors that scientists assert descended from it do not appear until millions of years after it! Unbelievable, isn’t it?
“It has beautiful impressions of feathers and wings – like a bird. But then it also displays the claws, the long bony tail and the serrated teeth you would associate with dinosaurs.
No wonder Charles Darwin was so excited by Archaeopteryx.
Emerging just a couple of years after he published his theory of evolution, this specimen was just the sort of transitional form he would have expected to exist in the fossil record.”
Archaeopteryx is a creature that apparently became extinct. Millions of other creatures have become extinct. The fossil record shows the opposite of what Darwinism asserts. The overwhelming majority of creatures who have ever lived have become extinct, just like Archaeopteryx. Darwin’s “tree of life” is thus turned upside down – by the fossil record!
Darwinistic evolution is promoted by “people who suppress the truth.” They should “know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky.” Denying the very obvious evidence of creation by God, “they traded the truth about God for a lie” – macroevolution – “since thought it foolish to acknowledge God.” (Romans 1:19-28)
Yes, “fools base their thoughts on foolish assumptions,” like their assertion that Archaeopteryx is a “missing link” between dinosaurs and birds. (Eccl 10:13 NLT)
2 thoughts on “Archaeopteryx Fossil – Evidence of Macroevolution?”
I do not understand why there is conflict in evolution. Evolution is a process ,a process which is still happening. It is the process in which god used to create the world. It is a process in which only God could start and someday he will have it stop.
Best regards to everyone.
Thank you for visiting this site, and for your comment. The Bible says that “the Lord God Almighty” “created all things”, (Revelation 4:8,11 NIV), and that “the earth is full of [his] creatures” (Psalm 104:24 NIV). There is no evidence or proof of any living thing evolving from anything non-living, as macro-evolution claims.
The word evolution has several different meanings. It appears that you are probably using it in the historical sense, which is the theory that everything now existing has come into its present condition as a result of natural development, all of it having proceeded by natural causes from one rudimentary beginning. Such a theory is sharply contradicted by the divine facts revealed in Genesis 1 & 2. It is explicitly stated that all living things, such as plants and animals, reproduce only “according to their various kinds” (Genesis 1:11,12,21,24,25). No one disputes the facts of micro-evolution, that is, variation within these “various kinds”. Examples are the varieties of dogs, and the varieties of cats, and the variations of human appearances. While the popular view today claims that macro-evolution (large scale changes over time from one simple life form up an evolutionary chain resulting finally in humans) is factual, this has not only never been observed, there is no “fossil record” that supports such claims.