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Tag: Vatican

First Vatican Council – Pope Infallible & Mary Sinless?

First Vatican Council – Pope Infallible & Mary Sinless?

The Christian Post published an article on December 8, 2024 about the First Vatican Council, which began December 8, 1869. This Roman Catholic Church Council decided that the pope, the leader of the Church cannot make a mistake about certain matters of faith, and that Jesus’ mother, Mary, never sinned. Are these claims actually Biblical? We’ll see.

Part of this article appears below:

This week in Christian history: . . . First Vatican Council begins

First Vatican Council begins – Dec. 8, 1869

A contemporary painting of the gathering of Catholic Church leaders for the First Vatican Council, which went f<a class=rom 1869 to 1870." width="400" height="245" />
A contemporary painting of the gathering of Catholic Church leaders for the First Vatican Council, which went from 1869 to 1870. | Wikimedia Commons

This week marks the anniversary of when the First Vatican Council, an influential gathering of Catholic Church leaders that would last nearly a year, held its opening proceedings. read more

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