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Christians, Pollution, and Climate Change

Christians, Pollution, and Climate Change

climate change
Should Christians be concerned with pollution and climate change?

With soaring, record high global temperatures, floods, fires, droughts, melting ice, sea level rise, and other climate extremes and disruptions in the news every day, should Christians be concerned about pollution and climate change? Some Christians feel that they are definitely saved, and bound for heaven, and that God will destroy the earth with fire, wrongly interpreting “fire” in 2 Peter 3:7,10 literally.. Therefore, they feel no sense of responsibility to take care of the earth. Others feel so strongly about the climate change problem that they become climate activists, and protest about climate change in various ways, even going to extremes in some cases, even to the point of risking their lives for the climate. Is this how God wants us to think and act? While the Bible does not use the terms “climate change,” “pollution,” “global warming,” etc., we can gain insight into God’s thinking by examining various Bible statements and principles. read more

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