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Who Is Jesus’ God?

Who Is Jesus’ God?

picture jesus christ greg olson joy lord

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is said to be Almighty God, along with God the Father, and the holy Spirit. However, according to the scriptures Jesus Christ has a God. Who could this be? Who is Jesus’ God?

“You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions”—Hebrews 1:9 ESV

From the above scripture, Jesus’ God has anointed him more anyone else. Who is Jesus Christ’s God?

                                   My God read more

“‘The Angel of the LORD’ Isn’t An Angel, He’s Jesus”?

“‘The Angel of the LORD’ Isn’t An Angel, He’s Jesus”?

“Some say the Angel of the LORD in the Hebrew Scriptures is no different from other angels. But He is far different. In fact, He is God Himself.”—-Trinitarian Website

It is very awkward for Trinitarians to believe that Jesus is eternally co-equal and co-eternal with God, and yet he’s never mentioned in the Old Testament (OT), but the holy Spirit is. When we read the New Testament, however, we cannot miss the active role that Jesus plays as Savior and Head of the Church. To support their eternal Triune God dogma, Trinitarians have concocted the unscriptural idea that Jesus, as their “second person of the Trinity”, was “the angel of the LORD” who is mentioned a number of times in the OT.
This is the viewpoint that Trinitarians argue from, and we are defending what the scriptures actually say, in the discussion with a Trinitarian that follows. (“BA” stands for us here at this website, and “T” stands for the Trinitarian.) read more

Was Jesus “The Angel of The LORD” In The Old Testament?

Was Jesus “The Angel of The LORD” In The Old Testament?

The Angel of the Lord appearing to Hagar in the wilderness, as depicted by Nicolas Colombel in the mid 17th century

Sometimes Trinitarians claim that Jesus was “the Angel of the LORD” in the Old Testament. The following is an actual discussion with a Trinitarian who is very adamant about such a claim. In the quoted discussion below,”T” stands for the Trinitarian, and “BA” stands for us at this website.

T—Most of the Christophanies in the Old Testament are accomplished by the entity called “the Angel of the Lord.”

BA—There are no “Christophanies” in the OT. Not a single scripture supports such a thing.“And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior” (2 Timothy 2:10 NIV). Jesus was alive all during the OT, but never appeared to anyone on earth until the NT. read more

Is God’s Name Yahweh, GOD, the LORD, or Jehovah?

Is God’s Name Yahweh, GOD, the LORD, or Jehovah?

God’s name is often written as “the LORD” in most Bible translations. Some translations use “Jehovah” for God’s name. However, Lord is not a name but a title. “One of the titles for God is Lord, a translation of Adonai. There is yet another name for which is particularly assigned to God as His special or proper name, that is, the four letters YHWH (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8)”  [NASB, Principles of Translation).

“Indeed, there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is but one God, the Father” (1 Corinthians 8:5,6 NASB). In the Old Testament, or Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures, God’s name is Yahweh. “I am Yahweh, that is my name!” (Isaiah 42:8 NJB). The name Yahweh appears some 6,800 times in the manuscripts of the Old Testament, or Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures. Yet, “this name has not been pronounced by Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore it has been consistently translated as LORD. The only exception  . . . is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is regularly translated GOD to avoid confusion” [Ibed.]. Of course, there would be no worry about such “confusion,” if YHWH were translated accurately as Yahweh. read more

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