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Is the Doctrine of the Trinity in Acts?

Is the Doctrine of the Trinity in Acts?

Apostles' healings
In the book of Acts, did the Apostles teach or preach the Trinity doctrine?

This article is part of our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus and the holy Spirit, and whether they comprise a Trinity, in the various books of the Bible. This article examines whether the Trinity was taught or preached the book of Acts of the Apostles.

Jesus had foretold that, “the Helper, the Holy Spirit which the Father will send in my place, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you (John 14:26 AAT). “The Helper, the Holy Spirit” would “guide [them] into all the truth” (John 16:13 NIV). Acts records for us how this was done, by documenting the spread of Christianity during its first three decades, including its beginning, when the holy Spirit was “poured out” (Acts 2:33). If the Trinity doctrine is true, then it should be evident in the book of Acts, which records how Christianity was established throughout the Roman Empire. read more

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