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Tag: god

2 Peter—Is Jesus Christ Almighty God, or Part of a Trinity?

2 Peter—Is Jesus Christ Almighty God, or Part of a Trinity?

Is the Bible reliable?
Is Jesus Christ Almighty God in 2 Peter?

Trinitarian bias influences translators to render the first verse of this short letter in a way that makes it appear as though Jesus is Almighty God. For example, “by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:1 ESV). However, the verse is more accurately translated as:

“Through the justice of our God and of our savior Jesus the Anointed” (2 Peter 1:1 Hart)
“Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ: To those to whom there has been allotted the same precious faith as that which is ours through the righteousness of our God and of our Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:1 Weymouth).
“Through the righteousness of our God and the savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:1 NAB ftn). read more

Is God the Father Exclusively the Almighty?

Is God the Father Exclusively the Almighty?

Can God the Father of the Bible be the only Almighty?

“The Father is Almighty, the Son is Almighty, and the Holy Spirit Almighty. And yet they are not three Almighties, but one Almighty. So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. And yet there are not three Gods, but one God”—The Athanasian Creed

Trinitarians assert, in probably their main creed, above, that ‘God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,’ all rolled into one Almighty God, but three entities at the same time. Of course, this makes no sense, but let’s see what the Bible says: read more



“Wisdom is a shelter the same as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.” (Eccl 7:12 NIV) Money certainly has some value. It is a protection, to an extent, and a gift from God also, in a way. Proper use of knowledge and wisdom is even more valuable, however. The folk saying ‘A fool and his money are soon parted’ certainly backs up this Bible proverb.

We need a balanced view of money. “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.” (Pr 30:8-9) Both wealth and poverty have their potential pitfalls. A person is usually much better off to be somewhere in the middle. The problem with always desiring more? “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income, this too is meaningless.” (Eccl 5:10 NIV) Such a person is never satisfied. The greater a person’s desire for money, the worse it gets. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Tim 6:10 NIV) Even a rich person without an inordinate desire for more money usually has problems that “come with the territory,” so to speak. “The sleep of the laborer is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as for the rich, their abundance permits them no sleep.” (Eccl 5:12 NIV) A rich person has a lot of material things to think and worry about, unlike the average person who doesn’t have so much to worry about. read more



What scriptures in the Bible help us to get Almighty God’s viewpoint of abortion? The purpose of this article, and indeed this website, is not to get involved in any partisan politics, but to advocate for God’s Word, the Bible. As the late Billy Graham said late in life, he wished he’d stayed out of politics. Yet, the Bible is very “useful for . . . correction” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV).

In an opinion column in the Tallahassee Democrat on March 6, 2018, Rabbi Jack Romberg says that “Jewish tradition . . . considers a fetus a life, but not equivalent to a fully formed human life”. That may be true about Jewish tradition. He should know, being a Rabbi. But, he unfortunately, goes on to make a false statement about the Bible. He claims “This is based on Exodus 21:22 through 25, which makes clear the loss of a fetus by human misconduct is not punished the same way as murder”. Since the Rabbi probably uses the TANAKH, which is a Jewish translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, or Old Testament, let’s quote these verses from there: read more

The Universe & God: Science As Evidence

The Universe & God: Science As Evidence

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”—Genesis 1:1

In our article about the expansion of the universe, we showed how some basic scientific facts about the universe point to the existence of God. This article examines even more scientific concepts about the universe and we will see how they relate to the Creator.

Existence of Elements Essential for Life

When two helium nuclei collide, they fuse together and produce the fleeting, unstable beryllium. An additional collision with a single helium nucleus, and carbon is created. Without these very unlikely “lucky accidents” constantly occurring carbon would not exist, and neither would we. read more



Bible critics claim there is no evidence in support of Genesis 1:1. Some atheists deny the universe had a beginning. Is there any evidence in support of Genesis 1:1?

“. . . when the universe was created”—USA Today

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”—Genesis 1:1

Some atheists deny not only the Bible, but also science, by claiming that the universe did not have a beginning. Their denial of proven science shows the depths to they will go to avoid any possibility of God’s existence, and creation. read more

Who Is The One Mediator Between Humans and God?

Who Is The One Mediator Between Humans and God?

Jesus the Mediator
Jesus is the Mediator between God and man. Yet Trinitarians claim Jesus is God.

The Bible says there is only ‘one mediator between humans and God.’ Who, or what, is that?

“This, then is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven . . . “—Matthew 6:9 NIV.

“No one comes to the Father except through me”—John 14:6

“There is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus”—1 Timothy 2:5 NIV

While they all give ‘lip service’ (Mark 7:6-13) to the principles that the scriptures above express, Christian denominations have differing views on the exactly how the mediatorial relationship between them and God operates. So, yes, they all “say” that Jesus is the mediator, but in actual practice things are not exactly the way the Bible says they should be. For example, Catholics teach that Christians must go through their priesthood and their hierarchy, including their Pope, to have a relationship with God. Others teach that one can only have a relationship with God through their particular denomination, organization, or church. Some have even thought, or taught that a relationship with God was only possible through one particular pastor. Trinitarians often simply ignore this vital relationship. Let’s make clear what the scriptures say about this: read more

Science & Bible Agree: Expanding Universe Had Early Beginning

Science & Bible Agree: Expanding Universe Had Early Beginning

Expanding universe
If the universe is expanding, it had a beginning. The Bible tells us what happened in the beginning, and why.

In the last 100 years, science has discovered  that the universe is expanding. However, the men who wrote the Bible spoke of this concept when it was written about 2,500–3,500 years ago. But many people believe the Bible and science contradict one another, primarily because of the unscriptural assertions of “Young-Earth Creationism” (the earth and the universe were created in six 24-hour days about 6,000). Is this really so? Let’s examine some basic scientific concepts about the universe, and see how they compare to what the Bible says. read more

How Can Jesus Be God If He Is the Mediator?

How Can Jesus Be God If He Is the Mediator?

“There is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all”—1 Timothy 2:5,6 NIV

“Mediator. One who represents God to humans and humans to God–and who removes all alienation between them by offering himself as a ransom for ‘all'”—NIV Study Bible footnote

The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the mediator BETWEEN God and mankind. Trinitarians claim that Jesus is God, and their “God-man” also. How do they explain this apparent contradiction? read more

Atheists Ask: “If God Is Real, Then Why Is Faith Required?”

Atheists Ask: “If God Is Real, Then Why Is Faith Required?”

First of all, when people ask this they are using a different definition of “faith” than the the Bible does. The average person thinks “faith” means: “blind faith”, or belief without any evidence, zero, zippo, nada. That is not Biblical “faith”. So let’s clarify what we mean Biblically by faith. Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 NAB). Biblical faith has evidence in support of it, in fact, lots of it! For example: “Since the creation the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, been understood from what has been made” (Romans 1:20 NIV). We can see from the earth  and the universe that there must be a designer and Creator. However, it is impossible to see Almighty God literally. “You cannot see My face, for no one can see Me and live” (Exodus 33:20 CSB). This is why faith is required. In some ways it’s no different from things we think, and do, everyday, but without giving it much thought. Would you work for a company, or organization that you didn’t think was going to pay you on payday? No, you have faith, for good reasons, that you will get paid. You wouldn’t buy a car, or an appliance, if you didn’t at least have some faith, or reasonable expectation, that it would work. Your wouldn’t hire someone to do a job for you without some faith they could do it, would you? Logical reasoning tells us what Hebrews 3;4 says: “For every house is built by someone, but he that created all things is God” (Jubilee Bible). You didn’t see a certain house being designed or built, but you logically know that someone had to design and construct it. Why would we use different reasoning standard about the immeasurably more complex universe, and its designer and builder? Therefore, the Bible says: “Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God'” (Psalm 14:1 NLT). While it is true that “not all  people have faith” (2 Thess 3:2), faith is required, and is available to all people! read more

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