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Tag: equal

Does Philippians 2:6 Say That Jesus Is Equal To God?

Does Philippians 2:6 Say That Jesus Is Equal To God?

Many translations of Philippians 2:6 give the impression that Jesus Christ is equal with his Father, Almighty God. For example:

 (ESV) who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped, /  Or a thing to be held on to for advantage”  but emptied himself,

(NIV) Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;” rather, he made himself nothing,

(NLV) Jesus has always been as God is. But He did not hold to His rights as God.” He put aside everything that belonged to Him,  read more

Is Jesus Christ Equal To God?

Is Jesus Christ Equal To God?

Is Jesus Christ equal to God? Based on the following scripture, and what they have heard, or been told, many people think so.

 “For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the sabbath, but was also calling God his own Father, thereby making himself equal to God” (John 5:19 NRSV). 

If we look at this scripture closely, and think about it logically, there are three serious problems with the claim that Jesus made himself equal with God, and so he must be God.. read more

Are God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit a Trinity? – 2 Corinthians

Are God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit a Trinity? – 2 Corinthians

Holy Spirit greetings?
Where is the Trinity in 2 Corinthians?

The New Testament book of 2 Corinthians was written about 25 years after Jesus’ death and the start of Christianity. Is the Trinity doctrine in 2 Corinthians?

“The Trinity is one of the most important teachings of the Christian faith. It defines God’s very essence and describes how he relates to us”—The Forgotten Trinity, back cover

Since Second Corinthians was written about twenty-fives after the start of Christianity, we would expect to see at least some evidence of such an important doctrine as the Trinity in the letter’s 13 chapters, if it is a true Christian doctrine. Let’s examine scriptures from this book which tell us something about God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit. read more

Is the Trinity in Philippians? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Is the Trinity in Philippians? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

This article is part of our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and whether they together comprise a Trinity, in the various books of the New Testament. We will examine the four chapter book of Philippians. Notice the distinctive relationship between God and Jesus throughout this book of Philippians, especially the superior role of God compared to Jesus. What does it say about the holy Spirit? Is the Trinity in Philippians?

Is the Trinity found in Philippians? The superior role of God compared to Jesus is evident from the Bible book of Philippians

“To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi.” (Philippians 1:1) God is always the one in control, and is using Christ to gather his people.

“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:2) God and Jesus are separate and distinct. The holy Spirit, since it is not a person, does not give greetings. Neither does the Trinity, since it doesn’t exist.

“God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:8) God and Jesus are spoken of as separate and distinct individuals.

“Filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the  glory and praise of God.” (Philippians 1:11) Fruitage from God flows through Jesus and brings glory and praise to God.

“Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped.” (Philippians 2:5-6 NASB). read more

Trinity Questions in Hebrews

Trinity Questions in Hebrews

The Trinity is not a Biblical beliefThe Trinity is said to be the main doctrine of Christianity. Verses from Hebrews chapter 1 are often used to support the doctrine. However, there are some very valid and legitimate questions about what the verses in Hebrews actually say about the Trinity issue that need to be answered.

Hebrews 1:1“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways” (NIV). Who is the “God” mentioned here?

Hebrews 1:2 – “in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he made the universe” (NIV).

·         Who is “his Son” that God has spoken by?

·         Who appointed Jesus to be “heir”?

·         What does it mean that God made the universe through Jesus?

·         If Jesus created the universe
, what did God do?

·         What does Genesis 1:1 say God did?

·         Who is the God of Genesis 1:1?

Hebrews 1:3 – How does being “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being” make Jesus equal to God?

Hebrews 1:5 – Who made the Father-Son declaration? Who decided this relationship? Explain how this makes the Father and Jesus equal?

Hebrews 1:8 – Does “about the Son he says, ‘Your throne, God'” make Jesus equal to the Father? If so, then what does it make the human king about which it was originally said at Psalm 45:6?

Hebrews 1:9

“God, your God, has set you above your companions” (NIV). read more

Why does the Trinity matter? – Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Why does the Trinity matter? – Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Does the Trinity matter? It matters because the Bible says:

“No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the LORD [Yahweh]”—Proverbs 21:30 NLT

Trinity Shield
Does this picture make sense? It is confusing and contradictory!

“Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3)

The Bible says our eternal life depends on knowing the only true God the Father, and His Son, whom he sent, Jesus Christ. “Knowing” would have to include knowing who they are.

The Athanasian Creed, which many denominations accept, says a person’s eternal life depends on  acceptance of certain statements of belief about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (Ghost).

“Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled; without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.”

“So that in all things, as aforesaid; the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped. He therefore that will be saved, let him thus think of the Trinity.”

“Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting salvation; that he also believe faithfully the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess; that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the Substance [Essence] of the Father; begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the Substance [Essence] of his Mother, born in the world. Perfect God; and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting.”

“And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire. This is the catholic faith; which except a man believe truly and firmly, he cannot be saved.”

Book of Common Prayer translation. See Schaff (1877b, pp. 66–71) read more

Is the Trinity Doctrine in the Book of Galatians?

Is the Trinity Doctrine in the Book of Galatians?

Is the Bible reliable?
Is the Trinity doctrine in Galatians?

As part of our series about what is stated in the Bible concerning whether God, Jesus and the holy Spirit are a Trinity in the various books of the New Testament, this article examines the book of Galatians.

Galatians was possibly the earliest book of the New Testament that was written, and focuses on correct Christian doctrine. Was the Trinity part of Christian doctrine discussed in Galatians? Is any aspect of the Trinity doctrine mentioned in the book?

Galatians 1:1“Through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead” (NAB). – God is shown to be the Father. Jesus is not referred to as God. God and Jesus are revealed to be two separate and distinct individuals – the superior, God, resurrects the lesser one, Jesus, from the dead. “Yahweh . . . God . . . never dies” (Habakkuk 1:12 NJB). Jesus “was dead” (Revelation 1:18). Therefore, Jesus cannot be Almighty God.

Galatians 1:3

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (NAB).  read more

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