Is Sabbath Keeping Required of Christians?

Some preachers and Christians groups insist that Sabbath keeping is required of Christians. They often go so far as to say that unless a person faithfully observes a weekly Sabbath day, they have no relationship with God. They claim that Christians must observe a weekly Sabbath like the ancient Israelites did under the Old Covenant. If a person doesn’t do this, they assert, that person cannot gain eternal life. Notice what one such very devoted sabbath keeper promotes:
Sabbath keeping promoter— “So is the law of the Sabbath now no longer obligatory because it is not mentioned in the NT? Many arguments believe this is to be so. The Sabbath is no longer ‘binding?’ Some contend it has been incorporated in the,‘forsake not the gathering of yourselves together.’ Also a Word from the Apostleship. But is Saturday the Sabbath reveled to Moses on a six day work, rest one by the Gregorian Calendar the obligatory Sabbath or even SUNday? No. However, one day in seven is a Sabbath as commanded by Yahweh as revealed to Moses. The Decalogue remains intact as given by Yahweh to Israel.”