“You were slaves to those who by nature are not gods”—Galatians 4:8 NIV.

Macro-Evolution, or Darwinism has achieved god-like status in the scientific and educational communities. It has achieved such honor as a sacred-cow, that it is not supposed to be even questioned.
Darwinian evolution depends primarily on one thing: speciation, which is defined as “the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution”. Evolutionists claim they have lots of “proof” for this. However, when their claims are examined, (excluding the outright frauds, such as “Piltdown Man”), they are simply assertions, or assumptions without actual proof. The big assumption the theory hangs on is the minor variations within “kinds”, that is called Micro-Evolution. A typical example is the many different varieties of dogs, but they are all still dogs, no matter how much variation there is between them. The problem for evolutionists is that we don’t see dogs evolving into deer or bears do we? So Darwinists are forced claim that over long periods of time, such as millions of years, these large-scale changes occurred. The reason we don’t see them happening now is that over a relatively short period of time, say a hundred years even, these changes can’t be seen.