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Tag: Bible canon

Apocrypha – Inspired by God or Invented by Humans?

Apocrypha – Inspired by God or Invented by Humans?

What is the source of the Apocrypha?

“I shall bring my work to an end here too. If it is well composed and to the point, that is just what I wanted. If it is worthless and mediocre, that is all I could manage”—2 Maccabees 15:37,38 NJB

The writer of the Apocryphal book 2 Maccabees, in effect, admits that he is not inspired by God.

The Apocrypha is accepted as being genuine by some people and some large religious organizations, such as the Roman Catholic Church, today, but rejected by many others. Some of it is included in various versions of the Bible, but is absent in most. The Apocryphal books accepted as canonical and part of the Old Testament (OT), by the Roman Catholic Church are: Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach, or Ben Sira), Baruch, and several additions to Esther and Daniel. read more

Jesus Believed the Old Testament the Infallible Word of God

Jesus Believed the Old Testament the Infallible Word of God

Is the Bible reliable?
Jesus believed the Old Testament to be the infallible word of God

Some modern Christians, and virtually all non-Christians, believe the Old Testament (OT) was simply the word of humans and is fallible. However, Jesus Christ Himself believed the Old Testament to be the infallible word of God. Below, we will use scriptural quotations followed by comments to show why this is true:

“But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set.  If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?” (John 5:45-47) The revelation God gave Moses is inseparable from the revelation God was giving through Jesus. read more

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