Ultimate Authority – Is it the Father, Jesus, holy Spirit, or Trinity?
Who is the ultimate authority? Most Churches believe, preach and teach the following:
“In this Trinity . . . None is greater, or less, than another. But the whole three Persons are . . . coequal”—Athanasian Creed
The Trinity is implied to be the ultimate authority in the famous creed quoted above. Not all Christians are in agreement about the roles of God the Father, Jesus, the holy Spirit and the Trinity. Some say God is the ultimate authority, some say Jesus is the ultimate authority, and some say the Trinity is the ultimate authority, and a few even say the holy Spirit is the ultimate authority . Some say they are equal. And some say Jesus is Almighty God. Red-letter Bibles put words the editors think were spoken by Jesus in red, which implies that Jesus’ words are more important than God’s words. But what does the Bible say? Let’s examine some scriptures to find the answer.