Extinct Fractofusus More Complicated than Evolutionists Thought
There is a BBC News article that reports an early creature, called fractofusus, was much more complicated than scientists realized until now. The story can be read here: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33763473
With virtually each new discovery like this, Darwinists evolutionary scientists are sent scrambling to try to explain it in the light of their faltering theory. Unfortunately for them, the facts are, and always have been, on the side of Biblical creation as expressed in Genesis 1:11-12, Genesis 1:21, and Genesis 1:24-25 where plants, flying creatures, creatures who live in water, and land animals produce after their own “kinds.”
Darwin’s theory, which is unbelievably still taught in school textbooks today, asserts there is a “tree of life,” meaning that all life forms are claimed to have originated with one “simple” single-celled organism. From this point, this so-called “tree of life” supposedly branched out with more and more organisms wither ever-greater complexity coming into being through accidental, undirected evolutionary processes.
The creature in this BBC article, fractofusus, is one of thousands of actual proofs that this “tree of life” is completely false. Scientific discoveries, therefore facts, show that numerous complex organisms sprang into existence all at once, which were just as complex as organisms are today. Some of these (like fractofusus in the BBC article) have become extinct, so that rather than there being a “tree of life” with the trunk at the bottom and branching out into many branches, what occurred was exactly the opposite – almost an “upside-down tree of life,” if you will.
“God catches the wise in their own cleverness” (1 Corinthians 3:19 GWT). Despite many “wise” people of the world working overtime to prove the Bible false, there theories which contradict the Bible are the ones that have proven false.