The Spanish Inquisition Type of Atrocities Foretold In Bible

The Spanish Inquisition Type of Atrocities Foretold In Bible

An auto-da-fé, an important ritual of the Spanish Inquisition, being performed in Madrid, Spain in 1680.
An auto-da-fé, an important ritual of the Spanish Inquisition, being performed in Madrid, Spain in 1680. | Wikimedia Commons

The horrible persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church officially began February 6,1481. These types of atrocities by “Christians” were actually foretold and warned about in the Bible.

“The time will come when those who kill you will think that by doing this they are serving God.”—John 16:2 GNB

The following article, “The First Spanish Inquisition of February 6, 1481”,  appeared in The Christian Post on February 2, 2025:

“This week marks the anniversary of when the first ever auto-da-fé, a ceremony of the Spanish Inquisition in which heretics confess their crimes before being punished, took place in Sevilla.

Meaning “act of faith,” the auto-da-fé generally featured a procession, a solemn mass, an audience that would have included royalty, a reading of the charges, and a sermon.

Individuals labeled heretics and subjected to the ceremony frequently included Jewish converts to Christianity who reportedly backslid into their previous beliefs, Protestants and Muslims.

For the inaugural auto-da-fé in Sevilla, six of the individuals featured at the gathering were later executed by the secular government for heresy.

Approximately 2,000 auto-da-fé events would take place in the Iberian Peninsula, with approximately 300,000 alleged heretics being punished, with 30,000 of them being executed.”

7 thoughts on “The Spanish Inquisition Type of Atrocities Foretold In Bible

  1. BA1: The horrible persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition officially began February 6,1481. These types of atrocities by “Christians” were actually foretold and warned about in the Bible.

    GW1: The key word here is “types.” Any historian of religion, psychologist, or sociologist could “foretell” and “warn about” these “types” of atrocities. I will tell you right now that there will be more in the future.

    BA1: “The time will come when those who kill you will think that by doing this they are serving God.”—John 16:2 GNB

    GW1: GNB? Why are you using obtuse Bible versions?

    GW1: I agree with the author of the verse, and it is easy to make that kind of “foretelling.” This persecution and killing has happened throughout history. Also, atheists have been killed by Christians who think they are doing the will of God. However, we now know that God does not exist. This has been proven. Get the word out! Turn your website “Bible Authenticity” into a voice about the truth about God.

    1. GW—Turn your website “Bible Authenticity” into a voice about the truth about God.

      BA—It already is!
      “God will always be true even if no human being can be relied on”—Romans 3:4 NJB

      1. The truth is that God does not exist. We now know this. It has been proven. I think you should write articles or present the articles of others which expose this truth to the world. It is the Great New Revelation!

        1. GW—The truth is that God does not exist. We now know this. It has been proven. I think you should write articles or present the articles of others which expose this truth to the world. It is the Great New Revelation!

          BA–No, “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV).

          Glad for you to visit this website, but this website advocates for “Yahweh”, the “God of truth” (Psalm 31:5 NJB), not for nonsense like “God does not exist.”

          No one requires you to visit here! If it bothers you, go to your atheistic sites.

          1. GW1: The truth is that God does not exist. We now know this. It has been proven. I think you should write articles or present the articles of others which expose this truth to the world. It is the Great New Revelation!

            BA2: No, “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV).

            GW2: No. We have discovered new truths about reality since this author wrote his opinion about “nothing new.” He is just mistaken in his claim.

            BA2: Glad for you to visit this website,…

            GW2: I am happy to visit the website, read your opinions, and present my opinions about the postings here.

            BA2: but this website advocates for “Yahweh”, the “God of truth” (Psalm 31:5 NJB),

            GW2: I advocate for the truth about God.

            BA2: not for nonsense like “God does not exist.”

            GW2: The nonsense is “God exists.” I wish God did exist. The world would be so much better.

            BA2: No one requires you to visit here!

            GW2: That’s great! I don’t think it would work if you did require people to visit here.

            BA2: If it bothers you, go to your atheistic sites.

            GW2: I visit theist, atheist, and agnostic websites, probably everyday. I like free inquiry and open discussion and debate about many issues.

          2. GW2: I visit theist, atheist, and agnostic websites, probably everyday. I like free inquiry and open discussion and debate about many issues.

            BA—Delphi Forums has all those types of forums. Bible Authenticity also has a a Forum on Delphi.
            Feel free to check it all out.

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