The state of New York has settled a class action lawsuit over sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, and others are pending. What does this tell us about the Catholic Church? What does the Bible have to say about sexual misconduct?
“Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire”—Jude 7 NAB
All types of sexual immorality are condemned by the Bible. However, the Catholic Church has often looked the other way, or even worse, has covered up such gross wrongdoing by its leaders. The Bible even foretold one of the contributing factors that has led to such wickedness.
“God’s Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons. They will also be fooled by the false claims of liars whose consciences have lost all feeling. These liars will forbid people to marry or to eat certain foods. But God created these foods to be eaten with thankful hearts by his followers who know the truth”—1 Timothy 4:1-3 CEV
Of course, the perverse, immoral individuals bear serious responsibility before God for their crimes, but the Catholic Church’s unscriptural policy of celibacy for its priests and nuns has been a factor that has contributed such scandalous behavior.
The following news article about this appeared in The Christian Post on December 7, 2024:
Court approves Catholic diocese’s $323M sexual abuse settlement
A court has approved a Roman Catholic diocese’s settlement with sexual abuse survivors, which is the largest such payment in New York state history.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre, based on Long Island, New York, published a statement Wednesday noting that it had reached a $323 million settlement with survivors of sexual abuse: “We are grateful to God that on December 4th, the court confirmed the Plan that resolves and ends the Bankruptcy Case for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, all our parishes, and related ministries.”
“For the sake of abuse survivors and the [Catholic] Church’s mission on Long Island, we pray that the Plan brings some measure of healing to survivors and allows the [Catholic] Church to carry on the saving mission of Jesus Christ,” a spokesperson for the diocese added. “Victim survivors of child abuse deserve our respect, our prayers, and our pastoral support. The Church is grateful for their courage and perseverance.”
The diocese provided a breakdown of where the funds to cover the cost of the settlement would come from: “The Diocese, parishes and other related entities contributed a total of $234.8 million. Insurance companies contributed a total of just over $85 million. Counsel for the Creditor’s Committee contributed just over $3 million.”
The Diocese explained that it entered into bankruptcy proceedings in order to “secure a release from any past liabilities for the parishes” and ensure that parishes can “continue their ministry, free from historical lawsuits and free from bankruptcy.” The statement added that, “No parishes are closing as a result of this process” and “No Catholic Ministries Appeal donations were used for this settlement.”
“The Diocese’s goal has always been the equitable compensation of survivors of abuse while allowing the [Catholic] Church to continue her essential mission. We believe this plan has achieved those goals,” the diocese concluded.
The Diocese of Rockville Centre first announced that it had reached a settlement with more than 600 abuse survivors in September. Survivors had previously rejected a $200 million offer made by the diocese, which fell short of the $450 million requested by lawyers for the abuse victims.
According to data compiled by the Bishop Accountability Project, 128 priests in the Diocese of Rockville, both living and deceased, have faced credible allegations of abuse. The diocese first filed for bankruptcy four years ago after the New York Child Victims Act became law in 2019.
The legislation established a one-year window where survivors could bring forth lawsuits alleging abuse that took place outside the statute of limitations and extended the timeframe when a victim could file a lawsuit alleging clerical abuse from within one to five years after the survivor turns 18 to until the victim reaches 55 years of age.
In addition to the Diocese of Rockville Centre, several other dioceses in New York and across the United States have filed for bankruptcy as they faced a multitude of abuse claims following the passage of state laws allowing survivors to file lawsuits regardless of how long ago the misdeeds occurred.
The Diocese of Rochester in New York and the Dioceses of Fresno and Sacramento in California have also entered into bankruptcy proceedings in response to lawsuits brought by those who experienced abuse at the hands of Catholic clergy.
While the news reports of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy are shocking enough, we should not be completely surprised by such things, because the Bible foretold them. However, the Bible is very clear how God sees such behavior and the excuses made for it:
“They claim to know God, but by their deeds they deny him. They are vile and disobedient and unqualified for any good deed”—Titus 1:16 NAB
10 thoughts on “Sexual Abuse By Catholic Clergy Settled in New York”
Sex scandals among the clergy is one of the reasons for the decline of religion worldwide.
Another reason is that we have proven that God does not exist.
GW—Sex scandals among the clergy is one of the reasons for the decline of religion worldwide.
Another reason is that we have proven that God does not exist.
BA—The Bible foretold that, “Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute” (2 Peter 2:2 NIV).
Christianity is declining in some places in the world, but is stable, or even thriving in other parts of the world.
“Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands, bearing this inscription, ‘The Lord knows those who are his’; and, ‘Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord avoid evil'”—2 Timothy 2:19 NAB
GW1—Sex scandals among the clergy is one of the reasons for the decline of religion worldwide. Another reason is that we have proven that God does not exist.
BA2—The Bible foretold that, “Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute” (2 Peter 2:2 NIV).
GW2: Almost anybody can foretell that kind of behavior. It is more common among men in positions of power and authority, like the clergy, political figures, and high officer holders.
BA2: Christianity is declining in some places in the world, but is stable, or even thriving in other parts of the world.
GW2: That is true. It is gaining strength in poor countries, especially in Africa and South America. But overall, it is in decline. The percentage of people in the world today who are Christian is less than it was in 500, 1000, and even 2000 CE.
BA2: “Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands, bearing this inscription, ‘The Lord knows those who are his’; and, ‘Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord avoid evil’”—2 Timothy 2:19 NAB
GW2: But unfortunately, God does not exist. We now know this. It has been proven. The world would be a much better place, if God did exist. For examples, we would not have the Holocaust, Covid 19, destructive tsunamis, cancer in children, or religious leaders molesting children. God would prevent those kinds of horrible harms.
GW—BA2: Christianity is declining in some places in the world, but is stable, or even thriving in other parts of the world.
GW2: That is true. It is gaining strength in poor countries, especially in Africa and South America. But overall, it is in decline. The percentage of people in the world today who are Christian is less than it was in 500, 1000, and even 2000 CE.
BA—Don’t think you can prove that.
Demographics of major traditions within Christianity (Pew Research Center, 2010 data)
Tradition Followers/ % of Christian pop/ % of world pop/ Follower dynamics/ Dynamics in and outside Christianity
Catholicism 1,094,610,000 50.1 15.9 Increase Growing Steady Stable
Protestantism 800,640,000 36.7 11.6 Increase Growing Increase Growing
Orthodoxy 260,380,000 11.9 3.8 Decrease Shrinking Decrease Shrinking
Other denomin. 28,430,000 1.3 0.4 Increase Growing Increase Growing
Christianity 2,184,060,000 100 31.7 Steady Stable Steady Stable
Those numbers from Pew are not percentages of the world population, so they are irrelevant to my claim.
Think about this: Probably around 1500 CE, the percentage of Christians among all people was probably at its peak. Almost everyone in Europe was a Christian of some denomination. But the percentage has declined, while the absolute number of Christians has increased because the population itself has increased. Fewer parents are indoctrinating their children and more adults are defecting. This is why the percentage is in decline. This is a good thing.
GW—Those numbers from Pew are not percentages of the world population, so they are irrelevant to my claim.
Think about this: Probably around 1500 CE, the percentage of Christians among all people was probably at its peak. Almost everyone in Europe was a Christian of some denomination. But the percentage has declined, while the absolute number of Christians has increased because the population itself has increased. Fewer parents are indoctrinating their children and more adults are defecting. This is why the percentage is in decline. This is a good thing.
BA—Keep in mind that the Catholic Church used the European conquests of native lands to force many to convert to Catholicism, while often allowing them to continue to pagan practices, so many of these were not genuine Christians.
Key Facts:
In 200 years (from 1800-2000), the world population increased more than 6 times, but the Christian Population increased faster over the same period (over 9 times).
For the period 2000-2013, the figures in point 1. above equate to an average annual growth rate of 1.18% v 1.32%. The corresponding growth rate for Islam is 1.84%, making it the religion with the highest growth rate over the period.
As a percentage of the World Total, the Christian Population increased from 22.7% to 32.4%, with a projected figure of 33.8% for 2025.
GW—Those numbers from Pew are not percentages of the world population, so they are irrelevant to my claim. Think about this: Probably around 1500 CE, the percentage of Christians among all people was probably at its peak. Almost everyone in Europe was a Christian of some denomination. But the percentage has declined, while the absolute number of Christians has increased because the population itself has increased. Fewer parents are indoctrinating their children and more adults are defecting. This is why the percentage is in decline. This is a good thing.
BA—Keep in mind that the Catholic Church used the European conquests of native lands to force many to convert to Catholicism, while often allowing them to continue to pagan practices, so many of these were not genuine Christians.
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one? Are the managers of Bible Authenticity genuine Christians? Do they meet the criteria?
GW: The conquests which you mention do not change the fact that the percentage of the population which was Christian in 1500 CE in Europe was probably at its peak and exceeded 95%. It has declined since then.
BA: Key Facts: In 200 years (from 1800-2000), the world population increased more than 6 times, but the Christian Population increased faster over the same period (over 9 times).
GW: Evidence? But you agree that the percentage of Christians in the world, especially in Europe and the US, has declined since 2000?
BA: For the period 2000-2013, the figures in point 1. above equate to an average annual growth rate of 1.18% v 1.32%. The corresponding growth rate for Islam is 1.84%, making it the religion with the highest growth rate over the period.
GW: This is not relevant to my claim.
BA: As a percentage of the World Total, the Christian Population increased from 22.7% to 32.4%, with a projected figure of 33.8% for 2025.
GW: Evidence? The percentage was higher in 1500 CE than it is now. Agree?
GW: I predict that within a thousand years the percentage of theists will decline to about 5% in the world and remain fairly stable after that. The people will become more intelligent, rational, and educated. Of course, you and I won’t be here much longer, so we will not get to see these changes.
GW: Regardless of the stats on religion, it has been proven that God does not exist.
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one?
BA—“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN will”—Matthew 7:21 NIV
GW—Are the managers of Bible Authenticity genuine Christians?
BA—We certainly try to be!
GW—Do they meet the criteria?
BA—“It is God alone who judges” (Psalm 75:7 NLT) who ultimately who is a genuine Christian. However, if someone worships something other than God the Father, it is obvious that they are not a genuine Christian (Matthew 4:10; John 4:24).
GW: I predict that within a thousand years the percentage of theists will decline to about 5% in the world and remain fairly stable after that. The people will become more intelligent, rational, and educated.
BA—Jesus said that “only a few” will ever be on “the road to life” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV).
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one?
BA—“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN will”—Matthew 7:21 NIV
GW: But no “father in heaven” has communicated his will, so your definition does not work. Here is a better definition. “A Christian is a person who sincerely believes and professes to others these propositions and nothing else which contradicts them. These beliefs are necessary and sufficient to identify and classify a person as a “Christian.” They are an amalgamation of the teachings of Jesus, Peter, Paul, the Bible authors, Plato, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Richard Swinburne, William Lane Craig, and others.
1. God exists.
2. For all human beings who die, there is an afterlife either in terms of a soul, a body, or both.
3. The quality of the afterlife for any human being, i.e. good or bad, is contingent on him/her sincerely holding specific beliefs about Jesus.
4. God desires human beings to behave and believe in some ways and not in other ways.
5. To behave and believe contrary to God’s desires or commands is sin.
6. The penalty for any unforgiven sins is a bad afterlife or no afterlife at all.
7. Jesus was at the least a divine messenger of God and may have been the son of God.
8. Jesus died and came back to life in physical form.
9. Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of all human beings through his suffering on the cross and consequent death; this is atonement.
10. Human beings may be forgiven by God for their sins only by sincere confession and acceptance of the atonement of Jesus.
11. The Bible is completely or mostly true and reflects the intentions of God.
12. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit form a team of three persons, i.e. the Trinity, who work together for common objectives, but God is the captain of this team, superior to the other two.
13. Jesus will return to Earth and transform it into his kingdom, eventually.
14. Satan or the Devil is a fallen angel who acts as God’s adversary and who tempts human beings to sin.
15. To hold these core beliefs requires faith and not necessarily reason.
GW—Are the managers of Bible Authenticity genuine Christians?
BA—We certainly try to be!
GW—Do they meet the criteria?
BA—“It is God alone who judges” (Psalm 75:7 NLT) who ultimately who is a genuine Christian. However, if someone worships something other than God the Father, it is obvious that they are not a genuine Christian (Matthew 4:10; John 4:24).
GW: And so, you cannot tell whether you or anyone else is a “genuine Christian” because you list no specific criteria to be met.
GW: I predict that within a thousand years the percentage of theists will decline to about 5% in the world and remain fairly stable after that. The people will become more intelligent, rational, and educated.
BA—Jesus said that “only a few” will ever be on “the road to life” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV).
GW: All living persons are currently on the road of life, but all will die.
GW: And so, you cannot tell whether you or anyone else is a “genuine Christian” because you list no specific criteria to be met.
BA—As a matter of fact, we did:
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one?
BA—“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN will”—Matthew 7:21 NIV
BA—Jesus said that “only a few” will ever be on “the road to life” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV).
GW: All living persons are currently on the road of life, but all will die.
BA—Jesus didn’t refer to “the road OF life”. He referred to “the road TO life”. There’s a huge difference! Jesus was speaking of being on the road to “that which is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 ESV).
10 thoughts on “Sexual Abuse By Catholic Clergy Settled in New York”
Sex scandals among the clergy is one of the reasons for the decline of religion worldwide.
Another reason is that we have proven that God does not exist.
GW—Sex scandals among the clergy is one of the reasons for the decline of religion worldwide.
Another reason is that we have proven that God does not exist.
BA—The Bible foretold that, “Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute” (2 Peter 2:2 NIV).
Christianity is declining in some places in the world, but is stable, or even thriving in other parts of the world.
“Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands, bearing this inscription, ‘The Lord knows those who are his’; and, ‘Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord avoid evil'”—2 Timothy 2:19 NAB
GW1—Sex scandals among the clergy is one of the reasons for the decline of religion worldwide. Another reason is that we have proven that God does not exist.
BA2—The Bible foretold that, “Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute” (2 Peter 2:2 NIV).
GW2: Almost anybody can foretell that kind of behavior. It is more common among men in positions of power and authority, like the clergy, political figures, and high officer holders.
BA2: Christianity is declining in some places in the world, but is stable, or even thriving in other parts of the world.
GW2: That is true. It is gaining strength in poor countries, especially in Africa and South America. But overall, it is in decline. The percentage of people in the world today who are Christian is less than it was in 500, 1000, and even 2000 CE.
BA2: “Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands, bearing this inscription, ‘The Lord knows those who are his’; and, ‘Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord avoid evil’”—2 Timothy 2:19 NAB
GW2: But unfortunately, God does not exist. We now know this. It has been proven. The world would be a much better place, if God did exist. For examples, we would not have the Holocaust, Covid 19, destructive tsunamis, cancer in children, or religious leaders molesting children. God would prevent those kinds of horrible harms.
GW—BA2: Christianity is declining in some places in the world, but is stable, or even thriving in other parts of the world.
GW2: That is true. It is gaining strength in poor countries, especially in Africa and South America. But overall, it is in decline. The percentage of people in the world today who are Christian is less than it was in 500, 1000, and even 2000 CE.
BA—Don’t think you can prove that.
Demographics of major traditions within Christianity (Pew Research Center, 2010 data)
Tradition Followers/ % of Christian pop/ % of world pop/ Follower dynamics/ Dynamics in and outside Christianity
Catholicism 1,094,610,000 50.1 15.9 Increase Growing Steady Stable
Protestantism 800,640,000 36.7 11.6 Increase Growing Increase Growing
Orthodoxy 260,380,000 11.9 3.8 Decrease Shrinking Decrease Shrinking
Other denomin. 28,430,000 1.3 0.4 Increase Growing Increase Growing
Christianity 2,184,060,000 100 31.7 Steady Stable Steady Stable
Those numbers from Pew are not percentages of the world population, so they are irrelevant to my claim.
Think about this: Probably around 1500 CE, the percentage of Christians among all people was probably at its peak. Almost everyone in Europe was a Christian of some denomination. But the percentage has declined, while the absolute number of Christians has increased because the population itself has increased. Fewer parents are indoctrinating their children and more adults are defecting. This is why the percentage is in decline. This is a good thing.
GW—Those numbers from Pew are not percentages of the world population, so they are irrelevant to my claim.
Think about this: Probably around 1500 CE, the percentage of Christians among all people was probably at its peak. Almost everyone in Europe was a Christian of some denomination. But the percentage has declined, while the absolute number of Christians has increased because the population itself has increased. Fewer parents are indoctrinating their children and more adults are defecting. This is why the percentage is in decline. This is a good thing.
BA—Keep in mind that the Catholic Church used the European conquests of native lands to force many to convert to Catholicism, while often allowing them to continue to pagan practices, so many of these were not genuine Christians.
Key Facts:
In 200 years (from 1800-2000), the world population increased more than 6 times, but the Christian Population increased faster over the same period (over 9 times).
For the period 2000-2013, the figures in point 1. above equate to an average annual growth rate of 1.18% v 1.32%. The corresponding growth rate for Islam is 1.84%, making it the religion with the highest growth rate over the period.
As a percentage of the World Total, the Christian Population increased from 22.7% to 32.4%, with a projected figure of 33.8% for 2025.
GW—Those numbers from Pew are not percentages of the world population, so they are irrelevant to my claim. Think about this: Probably around 1500 CE, the percentage of Christians among all people was probably at its peak. Almost everyone in Europe was a Christian of some denomination. But the percentage has declined, while the absolute number of Christians has increased because the population itself has increased. Fewer parents are indoctrinating their children and more adults are defecting. This is why the percentage is in decline. This is a good thing.
BA—Keep in mind that the Catholic Church used the European conquests of native lands to force many to convert to Catholicism, while often allowing them to continue to pagan practices, so many of these were not genuine Christians.
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one? Are the managers of Bible Authenticity genuine Christians? Do they meet the criteria?
GW: The conquests which you mention do not change the fact that the percentage of the population which was Christian in 1500 CE in Europe was probably at its peak and exceeded 95%. It has declined since then.
BA: Key Facts: In 200 years (from 1800-2000), the world population increased more than 6 times, but the Christian Population increased faster over the same period (over 9 times).
GW: Evidence? But you agree that the percentage of Christians in the world, especially in Europe and the US, has declined since 2000?
BA: For the period 2000-2013, the figures in point 1. above equate to an average annual growth rate of 1.18% v 1.32%. The corresponding growth rate for Islam is 1.84%, making it the religion with the highest growth rate over the period.
GW: This is not relevant to my claim.
BA: As a percentage of the World Total, the Christian Population increased from 22.7% to 32.4%, with a projected figure of 33.8% for 2025.
GW: Evidence? The percentage was higher in 1500 CE than it is now. Agree?
GW: Look at Table 3 in this reference. It shows a decrease in the percentage of Christians and an increase in the percentage of Muslims and Atheists in the world from 1900 to 2000.
GW: I predict that within a thousand years the percentage of theists will decline to about 5% in the world and remain fairly stable after that. The people will become more intelligent, rational, and educated. Of course, you and I won’t be here much longer, so we will not get to see these changes.
GW: Regardless of the stats on religion, it has been proven that God does not exist.
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one?
BA—“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN will”—Matthew 7:21 NIV
GW—Are the managers of Bible Authenticity genuine Christians?
BA—We certainly try to be!
GW—Do they meet the criteria?
BA—“It is God alone who judges” (Psalm 75:7 NLT) who ultimately who is a genuine Christian. However, if someone worships something other than God the Father, it is obvious that they are not a genuine Christian (Matthew 4:10; John 4:24).
GW: I predict that within a thousand years the percentage of theists will decline to about 5% in the world and remain fairly stable after that. The people will become more intelligent, rational, and educated.
BA—Jesus said that “only a few” will ever be on “the road to life” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV).
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one?
BA—“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN will”—Matthew 7:21 NIV
GW: But no “father in heaven” has communicated his will, so your definition does not work. Here is a better definition. “A Christian is a person who sincerely believes and professes to others these propositions and nothing else which contradicts them. These beliefs are necessary and sufficient to identify and classify a person as a “Christian.” They are an amalgamation of the teachings of Jesus, Peter, Paul, the Bible authors, Plato, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Richard Swinburne, William Lane Craig, and others.
1. God exists.
2. For all human beings who die, there is an afterlife either in terms of a soul, a body, or both.
3. The quality of the afterlife for any human being, i.e. good or bad, is contingent on him/her sincerely holding specific beliefs about Jesus.
4. God desires human beings to behave and believe in some ways and not in other ways.
5. To behave and believe contrary to God’s desires or commands is sin.
6. The penalty for any unforgiven sins is a bad afterlife or no afterlife at all.
7. Jesus was at the least a divine messenger of God and may have been the son of God.
8. Jesus died and came back to life in physical form.
9. Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of all human beings through his suffering on the cross and consequent death; this is atonement.
10. Human beings may be forgiven by God for their sins only by sincere confession and acceptance of the atonement of Jesus.
11. The Bible is completely or mostly true and reflects the intentions of God.
12. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit form a team of three persons, i.e. the Trinity, who work together for common objectives, but God is the captain of this team, superior to the other two.
13. Jesus will return to Earth and transform it into his kingdom, eventually.
14. Satan or the Devil is a fallen angel who acts as God’s adversary and who tempts human beings to sin.
15. To hold these core beliefs requires faith and not necessarily reason.
GW—Are the managers of Bible Authenticity genuine Christians?
BA—We certainly try to be!
GW—Do they meet the criteria?
BA—“It is God alone who judges” (Psalm 75:7 NLT) who ultimately who is a genuine Christian. However, if someone worships something other than God the Father, it is obvious that they are not a genuine Christian (Matthew 4:10; John 4:24).
GW: And so, you cannot tell whether you or anyone else is a “genuine Christian” because you list no specific criteria to be met.
GW: I predict that within a thousand years the percentage of theists will decline to about 5% in the world and remain fairly stable after that. The people will become more intelligent, rational, and educated.
BA—Jesus said that “only a few” will ever be on “the road to life” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV).
GW: All living persons are currently on the road of life, but all will die.
GW: And so, you cannot tell whether you or anyone else is a “genuine Christian” because you list no specific criteria to be met.
BA—As a matter of fact, we did:
GW: Please define “genuine Christian.” What are the criteria for being one?
BA—“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only THE ONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN will”—Matthew 7:21 NIV
BA—Jesus said that “only a few” will ever be on “the road to life” (Matthew 7:13,14 NIV).
GW: All living persons are currently on the road of life, but all will die.
BA—Jesus didn’t refer to “the road OF life”. He referred to “the road TO life”. There’s a huge difference! Jesus was speaking of being on the road to “that which is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 ESV).