Jesus’ Resurrection – Spirit or Fleshly Body?

Jesus’ Resurrection – Spirit or Fleshly Body?

Jesus' Resurrection - Spirit or Physical?
Was Jesus resurrected as a spirit or with a fleshly body?

It is widely preached and believed that Jesus was resurrected with a physical body. It is even asserted that if one doesn’t believe Jesus was resurrected with a physical body, then that person denies that Jesus was resurrected.  According to the Bible, was Jesus resurrected as a spirit or with a fleshly body? Let’s examine the scriptures to find out.

1 Corinthians 15:20 – “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.” (NIV)

Hebrews 10:10 – “We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ.” (NIV) Jesus’ physical body was consumed by God as a whole burnt offering. read more

Accurate Predictions of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Accurate Predictions of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

Jesus' Resurrection
Was Jesus ‘ resurrection actually predicted with accuracy?

Predictions of the death and resurrection of Jesus can be found throughout the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament by Jesus himself. Let’s examine a few of the scriptures in which these predictions can be found.

Old Testament Predictions of Jesus’ Execution, Death and Resurrection

Luke 24:44-47 – Jesus repeated the claims the Old Testament (OT) had predicted. (Luke 18:31-34; Acts 17:3; Acts 26:22-23; 1 Corinthians 15:4)

Isaiah 50:6 – Would be flogged and spit on

Isaiah 53:1-3 – Would be rejected by his own people

Isaiah 53:4,5,11,12 – Would suffer vicariously  read more

Real-life zombies that are stranger than fiction

Real-life zombies that are stranger than fiction

Bassettia pallida
Bassettia pallida is a parasite that infests oak trees and is itself infested by another newly discovered wasp (Credit: Andrew Forbes/University of Iowa)

“Real-life zombies that are stranger than fiction” is the title of an article that was published by BBC News on March 13, 2017.

The article states that “some fungi, viruses and bacteria have evolved….”

They start from this position that they had to “evolve.” They could not have been “created.” That is not a possibility, they claim.

“Perhaps the most famous fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, prompts its hosts to end their days perched under a leaf. Those that have succumbed to Ophiocordyceps australis, meanwhile, will die in the forest litter below.” read more

How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned

How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned

The story of Ota Benga is a sad and maddening example of the kinds of blunders that occurred at a time when the theory of Darwinism was rationalizing the evolution of humanity.

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie.” (Romans 1:25 NIV)

On February 6, 2006, The Wall Street Journal published an article entitled: “How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned.” A scan of the newspaper page can be viewed below:

How Pygmy Ota Benga Ended Up in Bronx Zoo As Darwinism Dawned
The Wall Street Journal, Feb 6, 2006, Pg. B1 (Click to Enlarge)

“The wisdom of the world is foolish in God’s sight.” (1 Corinthians 3:19 NIV) read more

Jesus’ Resurrection – Unquestionable Fact in the Bible

Jesus’ Resurrection – Unquestionable Fact in the Bible

Jesus' Resurrection
Is Jesus’ resurrection presented as an unquestionable fact in the Bible?

What does the Bible say about Jesus’ resurrection? Is Jesus resurrection presented as an unquestionable fact in the Bible? Let’s examine some verses that say speak of the resurrection.

John 11:25 – I am the resurrection and the life.

Acts 1:22 – A witness with us of his resurrection.

Acts 2:31 – Resurrection of the Christ.

Acts 3:15 – God raised him up from the dead.

Acts 4:2 – Proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead.

Acts 4:33 – Continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. read more

Jesus’ Resurrection – Four Lines of Evidence

Jesus’ Resurrection – Four Lines of Evidence

Is there any evidence of Jesus’ resurrection?

“We have confirmation of the words of the prophets”—2 Peter 1:19 NJB

Is the story of Jesus’ resurrection true? If so, how can we be sure? Let’s begin by examining four lines of evidence: that Jesus was really dead, his tomb was found empty, he then appeared to many witnesses, and finally, eyewitness accounts of encounters with the resurrected Jesus.

Jesus' Resurrection
Was Jesus really resurrected?

1.       Jesus was really dead.

a.       Publicly executed before A large crowd. (Matthew 27:39-44; Matthew 27:54-56; Mark 15:29-32; Mark 15:40-41; Lk 23:26-32; Luke 23:35-38; Luke 23:47-49; John 19:19-26) read more

Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

Sex orgies, prostitution, porn: Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

St. Peter's Square (Catholic Church)
St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City
(Photo: Giorgio Onorati, epa)

USA today reports accusations of Catholic priests  involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution in a news article dated March 9, 2017. Let’s take a look at the article:

Lurid accusations of priests involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution have emerged from several parishes in Italy recently, sending shock waves all the way to the Vatican and challenging the high standards Pope Francis demands of clergy.

In the southern city of Naples, for example, a priest was recently suspended from the parish of Santa Maria degli Angeli over claims he held gay orgies and used Internet sites to recruit potential partners whom he paid for sex. read more

Trinity Debate – Reply to a Trinitarian

Trinity Debate – Reply to a Trinitarian

The Trinity is not a Biblical beliefBelow are some excerpts from a debate with a Trinitarian on an online forum, with the Trinitarian’s comments quoted verbatim :

Trinitarian said…

“ONLY ONE DIVINE BEING who exists within himself eternally and simultaneously as three distinct Personal Self-Awarenesses, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”

These type of statements are pure fiction, as this premise has no Biblical support. Actually, there are three problems with them:​

  1. No Biblical proof
  2. Contradicts the Bible
  3. Makes no sense – eternal life depends on knowing God – John 17:3. Something that is nonsensical, like the Trinity God, cannot be known.

Trinitarian said…

“And it is true, since the Almighty IS Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet not three Almighties, but only ONE Almighty…and he has NO equal. There is none like our God. And our God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” read more

Oldest croc eggs discovered in dinosaur nest

Oldest croc eggs discovered in dinosaur nest

The oldest croc eggs have been discovered in a dinosaur nest, according to a BBC News article published on March 9, 2017.

The article says “this new discovery from Portugal extends the knowledge of this type of egg by approximately 40 million years.” It goes on the say “the fossil record tells us that crocodiles and their relatives were much more diverse in the past.”

Oldest croc eggs
Crocodile eggs have changed little in shape in the last 150 million years

But notice what is also said: “They are remarkably similar to the eggs of modern crocodiles, suggesting crocodile eggs have changed little in shape in the last 150 million years.” read more

Robber Fly – Highly Adapted or Designed?

Robber Fly – Highly Adapted or Designed?

The robber fly is a powerfully built, bristly fly with a short, stout proboscis enclosing the sharp, sucking hypopharynx. The name “robber fly” reflects its notoriously aggressive predatory habits; it feeds mainly or exclusively on other insects and as a rule it waits in ambush and catches its prey in flight.

A robber fly
The Asilidae are the robber fly family, also called assassin flies

A BBC News article published on March 9, 2017, entitled “Robber fly: Hunting secrets of a tiny predator revealed,” reports that the mid-air hunting strategy of the robber fly has been revealed by an international team of scientists. read more

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