Bible critics claim there is no evidence in support of Genesis 1:1. Some atheists deny the universe had a beginning. Is there any evidence in support of Genesis 1:1?
“. . . when the universe was created”—USA Today
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”—Genesis 1:1
Some atheists deny not only the Bible, but also science, by claiming that the universe did not have a beginning. Their denial of proven science shows the depths to they will go to avoid any possibility of God’s existence, and more
Clay Seals of Isaiah the Prophet and King Hezekiah Found
Critics of the Bible claim that it is largely a work of fiction. However, recent archaeological discoveries are proving the Bible true and its critics wrong. Two examples od this are the discoveries of the clay seals of the prophet Isaiah, and of King Hezekiah.
For the first time, archaeological evidence (a seal impression) of Isaiah has been discovered, it seems. See the article by Michelle Starr published on February 23, 2018. The book of Isaiah is quoted more often than any other prophetic Old Testament book, and is second only to Psalms in overall New Testament quotes. Below is the article about the discovery of the clay seal of the prophet Isaiah:read more
“I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book”—Revelation 22:18 NKJV
Promoters and believers in faith healing often use Mark 16:17,18 as Biblical support for their healing practices:
“They will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover” (NKJV).
Snake handling “Christians” love these last few verses of Mark because they say:read more
Let’s take a look at an article published on December 13, 2017 entitled “Evolution intervened on ‘monster’ penguins” in USA Today:
“Talk about your big bird. Scientists on Tuesday announced the discovery of a new species of an ancient giant penguin, one that was nearly 6 feet tall and weighed about 220 pounds, roughly the same height and size as an average man.
Fossilized remains of the extinct penguin were discovered in the Otago region on New Zealand’s South Island. The new species is named Kumimanu biceae: In the Maori language of New Zealand, Kumi means “monster,” and manu is the word for “bird.”read more
Billy Graham Regretted His Involvement in Politics
Prominent preacher Billy Graham was involved in politics for much of preaching career, and confessed his major life regret in an interview late in life. You would think that anyone who had personally known and associated with so many prominent people for so long, including 12 U.S. Presidents, would be proud of such hobnobbing with the political “stars” of the world. But guess what he confessed?
“If I had to do it over again, I would avoid any semblance of involvement in partisan politics.”read more
The woman caught in adultery story is well known today among Christians, and even in popular Western culture, but there are questions about it’s authenticity.
“Yahweh’s promises are promises unalloyed; natural silver which comes from the earth seven times refined”—-Psalm 12:6 NJB
“Every word of God is flawless . . . Do not add to his words or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar”—Proverbs 30:5,6 NIV
“I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City”—Revelation 22:18,19 NIVread more
Belshazzar – Discoveries Prove Bible True and Critics Wrong!
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus recorded history that confirms the Bible’s predictions of the fall of Babylon.
“Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken”—Jeremiah 51:9 NIV
“A drought will strike her water supply, causing it to dry up”—Jeremiah 50:38 NLT
“Her mightiest warriors no longer fight. They stay in their barracks, their courage gone . . . The news is passed from one runner to the next as the messengers hurry to tell the king that his city has been captured. All the escape read more
The Bible says there is only ‘one mediator between humans and God.’ Who, or what, is that?
“This, then is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven . . . “—Matthew 6:9 NIV.
“No one comes to the Father except through me”—John 14:6
“There is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus”—1 Timothy 2:5 NIV
While they all give ‘lip service’ (Mark 7:6-13) to the principles that the scriptures above express, Christian denominations have differing views on the exactly how the mediatorial relationship between them and God operates. So, yes, they all “say” that Jesus is the mediator, but in actual practice things are not exactly the way the Bible says they should be. For example, Catholics teach that Christians must go through their priesthood and their hierarchy, including their Pope, to have a relationship with God. Others teach that one can only have a relationship with God through their particular denomination, organization, or church. Some have even thought, or taught that a relationship with God was only possible through one particular pastor. Trinitarians often simply ignore this vital relationship. Let’s make clear what the scriptures say about this:
“The true worshippers will worship the Father”—John 4:23
“I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved”—John 10:8 NIV.
The Father of Jesus, Almighty God, is the only one who should be worshipped, according to the scriptures. But we must go through his Son, Jesus Christ, to have this relationship. Why?
“Christ came as high priest of the good things that are now already here”—Hebrews 9:11 NIVread more
Actions of this Syrian King, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, are foretold over 350 years in advance by Daniel’s God Yahweh, revealing them to his prophet for recording in Daniel 8:9-12, 23-25; 11:21-39. These visions are so extremely accurate in prophetic detail that critics, doubters and unbelievers claim that it is impossible that Daniel could have recorded them “in the first year of Darius the Mede”, which was in 537-536 BCE (Daniel 11:1 NIV), or “in the third year of Belshazzar” (Daniel 8:1 NIV), which was about 551 BCE. read more