Is Karma True?

Is Karma True?

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The belief of Karma originated way back in antiquity in India, and, with variations, is held by the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Karma is also popularly believed in the Western world, and some even assert that Karma is a Biblical belief. What we need to know, then, is Karma true? The article on this website entitled, “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?”, discusses many aspects and ideas of Karma in the light of what the Bible says, so we won’t repeat all that here, but please reference what the article sasy about it. We will, however, further discuss other aspects of Karma in the light of the scriptures in this article.

Is Karma The Same Thing As, “You Reap What You Sow” (Galatians 6:7,8)?

Many, even some Christians, say that Karma is the same thing as the Biblical, ‘Reaping what you sow.’ This is not true. “All have sinned” (Romans 3:23). “Sin” leads to “death” (Romans 5:12). “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Yes, God rewards those he considers righteous with eternal life, son in that sense, people reap what they sow. However, since each human, no matter how righteous, is still a sinner, if each human were to really get what he/she deserves, it would be eternal death for all. Karma has no way to deal with sin. There is no real means of escape from sin with Karma. But the true God does provide an escape route out of sin! “The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed you from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2 NAB). 

An Endless Cycle of Deaths and Rebirths?

Do human souls experience an endless cycle of deaths and rebirths, as Karma claims? No! Why not? 

“It is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the judgment”—Hebrews 9:27 NAB

The teaching of Karma claims that if humans are really bad in their current life, or have been really bad in a former life, in their next life they will be reborn as a “lower class human,” or could even be reborn as an animal. Speaking of human beings, the Bible states the obvious fact that humans have only one life to live in this world, and they only die once. Karma contradicts Bible truth, and also flies in the face of common sense.

The only way out of death is by “resurrection of the dead” (Acts 23:6), that is, by being brought back to life from the dead. The teaching of Karma claims that all humans are reborn into another life after death. The Bible makes clear that when people “die”, they “return to dust,” and“they know nothing” (Genesis 2:15,17Ecclesiastes 9:5 NIV). Karma contradicts both reality and Bible truth.

There Is No Savior With Karma!

Karma leaves humans stuck in an endless cycle of births and rebirths. What does the Almighty God of the Bible offer?

“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost”—Luke 19:10 NAB

What was “lost”? – “Perfection” (Hebrews 7:11). Why? “Through one person sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all, inasmuch as all sinned” (Romans 5:12 NAB). God reveals the reason for “death,” which is “sin.” In contrast to Karma, God offers us a way out of sin, and its ultimate result, death. Therefore, we read:

“God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”—John 3:17 NAB. How?

“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins”—Ephesians 1:7 NIV. Almighty God, through his Son, Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, provides a way for humans to be forgiven of their sins, which is something that Karma can’t do. 

“If we walk in the light as he is in the light . . . the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin”—1 John 1:7 NAB. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice does something that Karma cannot do, that is, cleanse obedient humans “from all sin.”

Jesus gave “his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45), that is, for all humans who are faithful to God through Christ. Karma has no such provision, leaving people are stuck in the endless cycle of death and rebirth. 

The Goal of Karma

The goal of Karma is to do good, avoid bad, and eliminate all of one’s desires. This self-effort, it is believed, will result an end to the endless cycle of births, deaths, and rebirths, into a uniting, or merging, of one’s soul with the universal God, or spirit, so that the person no longer has any independent existence. On the surface, this may sound good, however, it is essentially from Satan the devil, “the father of lies,” who has “deceived the whole world” (John 8:44 NAB; Revelation12:9 NAB) . To be sure, there are bad desires, which the Bible says humans need to fight against (Colossians 3:5).

In contrast to Karma, though, the one true God, “Yahweh is generous to all,” and offers, and provides, a way to “satisfy the desires of every living creature” (Psalm 145:9,16 NJB). One goal of Christianity is “eternal life,”  through getting to “know . .  . the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [he, God] sent”  (John 17:3). Thus, no one who gains eternal life loses his/her independent existence, or identity. “At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:11 NAB). What a contrast! — To keep one’s individual existence and “know fully,” as opposed to completely losing one’s independent existence and personal identity.


Karma is a ‘myth, a false doctrine,’ a “lie”  (1 Timothy 1:3,4; 2 Thessalonians 2:11), and should be rejected! Bible “truth will set you free” (John 8:32 NAB) from slavery to sin and falsehood.

13 thoughts on “Is Karma True?

  1. BA: However, since each human, no matter how righteous, is still a sinner, if each human were to really get what he/she deserves, it would be eternal death for all.
    GW: This is one of the more ridiculous ideas of Christianity. People are not sinners until they sin. Babies and young children do not sin and cannot sin. Furthermore, nobody deserves eternal death for what they do wrong or eternal life for what they do right. If there were a just deity, then he would mete out deserved punishments and rewards.

    BA: But the true God does provide an escape route out of sin!
    GW: False. First, God does not exist, and this has been proven. Second, if God did exist, there would be no escape route out of sin. God would ensure just punishment for every sin. Duh.

    BA: Do human souls experience an endless cycle of deaths and rebirths?
    GW: No. Beliefs in souls, afterlives, and rebirths are just superstitions.

    BA: “It is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the judgment”—Hebrews 9:27 NAB
    GW: When human beings die, then there can be no judgement because they no longer exist.

    BA: The teaching of Karma claims that if humans are really bad in their current life, or have been really bad in a former life, in their next life they will be reborn as a “lower class human,” or could even be reborn as an animal.
    GW: Most religions have some belief in some kind of afterlife. They are all wrong. There is no good evidence for any afterlife for anyone. We die once and that is the end of personal existence.

    BA: The only way out of death is by “resurrection of the dead” (Acts 23:6), that is, by being brought back to life from the dead.
    GW: False. Belief in resurrection is just a superstition. However, even among Christians the belief in resurrection of the dead is not universal. Some believe in a departure of the soul to some other world just after death.

    BA: “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”—John 3:17 NAB.
    GW: This is nonsense! Even if God did exist (he doesn’t, and this has been proven), he would not implement any system of forgiveness, salvation, or atonement, as is claimed by Christians. He would implement a system of perfect justice. Duh. Do you even know what that would be like?

    BA: On the surface, this may sound good, however, it is essentially from Satan the devil, “the father of lies,” who has “deceived the whole world” (John 8:44 NAB; Revelation12:9 NAB) .
    GW: More nonsense here. If God did exist (he doesn’t), he would never create an angel who would fall and be the enemy of God and man. God would not be that stupid.

    BA: One goal of Christianity is “eternal life,” through getting to “know . . . the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [he, God] sent” (John 17:3).
    GW: This is a very old superstition. Fortunately, Christianity is in decline. Maybe in 500 years, it will be diminished to about 5% of the population. Hopefully.

    BA: Karma is a ‘myth, a false doctrine,’ a “lie”…
    GW: It is a myth and false doctrine, but it is not a lie. People sincerely believe it is true, just like many people sincerely believe God exists, when he doesn’t.

    1. Satan, from the beginning, has been promoting the lie that people don’t really die at all (Genesis 3:1-6). Two of his biggest deceptions are that he doesn’t exist, and God doesn’t exist (Revelation 12:9; 2 Thessalonians 2:11).

  2. You are engaged in begging the question — assuming that Satan is real when you haven’t proven this. As I have said repeatedly, if God did exist, Satan would not exist. God would never create an angel who would “fall” and then become the enemy of God and humans. I don’t know why you’d think God would be that stupid. He wouldn’t. He would be maximally intelligent, rational, and knowledgeable. Furthermore, God does not exist and this has been proven, and there is no good evidence for the existence of Satan.

    Satan doesn’t perpetrate deceptions because he doesn’t exist. Duh.

    1. The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and it speaks of Satan the Devil as a real spirit person.
      “One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them”—Job 1:6; 2:3 NIV
      “Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him”—Zechariah 3:1 NIV
      “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat”—Luke 22:31 NIV
      “Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel”—1 Chronicles 24:1 NIV
      “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you”—James 4:7 NIV
      “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”—1 Peter 5:8 NIV
      Jesus was “tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-11).
      The level of evil in the world gives evidence of Satan the devil’s existence also.
      Since the Bible documented Satan’s existence long before you arrived on the scene, if you dispute his existence, the burden of proof is on you to prove his non-existence.

      1. BA: The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and it speaks of Satan the Devil as a real spirit person.

        GW: Yes, it does speak of this. The fact that the Satan claim originated long ago, i.e. “thousands of years” ago, makes it more probable that it is false rather than true. We have learned so much about reality since then and many ideas thought to be true, e.g. “the Sun goes around the Earth,” have been discovered to be false. Today, there is no good evidence that Satan is real. The Bible is not good evidence for the claim. The Bible just makes the claim.

        BA: “One day the angels came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them”—Job 1:6; 2:3 NIV
        “Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right side to accuse him”—Zechariah 3:1 NIV
        “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat”—Luke 22:31 NIV
        “Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel”—1 Chronicles 24:1 NIV
        “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you”—James 4:7 NIV
        “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”—1 Peter 5:8 NIV
        Jesus was “tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-11).

        GW: False. If God (“the Lord”) did exist, he would not create Satan or anyone who would become Satan. And there is no good evidence that Satan exists. Nobody has proven that Satan exists. We know, however, that God does not exist.

        GW: What does it mean to know something? To know something is to consider a proposition to be true at least to a level of near certainty or “beyond a reasonable doubt” after proper application of the standard methods of reason.

        BA: The level of evil in the world gives evidence of Satan the devil’s existence also.

        GW: I do not use the misleading concept of “evil.” When human persons cause great harm to other human persons, this is evidence consistent with the Satan hypothesis. But it is not good, conclusive, unequivocal, or decisive evidence for the Satan hypothesis. There are better naturalistic explanations of the great harm we observe.

        BA: Since the Bible documented Satan’s existence long before you arrived on the scene, if you dispute his existence, the burden of proof is on you to prove his non-existence.

        GW: False. The burden of proof is on the original claimant and on you who agrees with him, whoever he might have been. The original claimant is dead and never met the burden. You are alive, however, and you too have not met the burden. At the present time nobody should believe that Satan exists because there is insufficient evidence to believe or know that claim is true.

        1. The Bible is supported by numerous numerous proofs of its authenticity, some of which proved its critics wrong. There are many articles on this website documenting some of these facts. For example, see the article about Belshazzar.
          “All shall be put to shame and disgrace who vent their anger against you [God]; Those shall be as nothing and perish who offer resistance” (Isaiah 41:14 NAB).

          1. BA: The Bible is supported by numerous numerous proofs of its authenticity, some of which proved its critics wrong.

            GW: First, the authenticity of the Bible is not the same as the truth of the claims in the Bible. Define what you mean by “authenticity.” Secondly, even if some of the Bible is authentic, still there are no good reasons to believe Satan exists. I challenge you to prove that Satan exists. You won’t and you can’t.

            BA: There are many articles on this website documenting some of these facts. For example, see the article about Belshazzar.
            “All shall be put to shame and disgrace who vent their anger against you [God]; Those shall be as nothing and perish who offer resistance” (Isaiah 41:14 NAB).

  3. For all practical purposes, “the authenticity of the Bible is [tantamount to] the same as the truth of the claims of the Bible.” We’re using using “authenticity” with the same meaning as dictionaries do. Look it up.
    The Bible’s statement of Satan’s existence are thousands of years of, and fit with the reality of the world. The burden of proof is on you to prove otherwise, if you feel so inclined (Proverbs 18:13,17).

    1. BA: For all practical purposes, “the authenticity of the Bible is [tantamount to] the same as the truth of the claims of the Bible.”

      GW: False. For practical and theoretical purposes to claim that the Bible is authentic is not the same as to claim that the statements in the Bible are true. To claim that the Bible is authentic is to claim that a particular version of a Bible today accurately reflects what the authors said in their original manuscripts. Even if a version is authentic, the original authors may have made false claims or statements. In fact, they did! In Genesis 1:1, the author supposedly said “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” We know this statement is false. God does not exist, and this has been proven.

      BA: We’re using using “authenticity” with the same meaning as dictionaries do. Look it up.

      GW: Here is one meaning of “authenticity” given by the online Merriam-Webster dictionary: “conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features.” This is what I am talking about. So, the version of the Bible you have been quoting much lately, i.e. the NAB, could be authentic and still include false statements. In fact it does.

      BA: The Bible’s statement of Satan’s existence are thousands of years of, and fit with the reality of the world.

      GW: I already addressed this idea. The harms done by humans against humans have better explanations than “Satan caused it.” The evidence you have offered for the existence of Satan may be consistent with his existence, but it is insufficient to establish his existence beyond a reasonable doubt. The evidence for his existence is neither strong, nor conclusive, nor unequivocal. At the present state of our knowledge, nobody should believe that Satan exists.

      BA: The burden of proof is on you to prove otherwise, if you feel so inclined (Proverbs 18:13,17).

      GW: False. I already refuted this claim. The burden of proof to show that Satan exists is on the person who ORIGINALLY claimed that Satan exists. He is dead. So now, the burden falls to you people who support his claim. You have failed to meet the burden. Therefore, nobody at the present time in the world should believe that Satan exists. As Carl Sagan said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

      GW: Unfortunately, you are not using the standard methods of reason to reach your conclusion, but instead are using faith.

      1. Obviously, you are unable to support with facts your claims about God and Satan’s non-existence.
        See the article on this site about “Extraordinary Claims . . . “

        1. Here is more support for my claim that God does not exist.

          Argument 114.
          Argument Against the Existence of God Based on the Consequences of No Universal Communication: Gary Whittenberger, 8-9-2024
          1. Definition: God is 1) the hypothetical, unique, exclusive, supernatural, independent, spiritual, normally invisible person, conscious intelligent agent, or sentient entity. He is OMNI lasting (eternal), present, knowing, powerful, intelligent, rational, creative, and resilient (invincible). He is also OMNI loving, compassionate, and moral with respect to other persons. He fills the roles of cosmos designer and producer (creator), occasional interventionist in the world, and afterlife manager who decides the favorable or unfavorable disposition of human souls after they die. or 2) the greatest imaginable possible person (the “GIPPer”) who, if he existed, would possess all desirable traits to their highest degrees and no undesirable traits, and who would be worthy of our greatest respect, admiration, and worship.
          2. If God did exist, there would be only one religion.
          3. But there are hundreds or thousands of religions.
          4. If God did exist, there would be only one “holy book”.
          5. But there are hundreds of “holy books”.
          6. If God did exist, there would be no disagreements or conflicts about God.
          7. But there are billions of disagreements or conflicts about God.
          8. If God did exist, his communications would be objective.
          9. But many alleged communications by God are subjective.
          10. If God did exist, there would be no atheists.
          11. But there are millions of atheists.
          12. If God did exist, there would be no intermediaries for him.
          13. But there are thousands of alleged intermediaries for God.
          14. If God did exist, there would be no doubt that he exists.
          15. But doubt of God’s existence is widespread.
          16. If God did exist, then everyone now existing seven years or older would know that he exists.
          17. But millions do not know that God exists.
          18. If God did exist, then #2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 would be true because God would regularly communicate to all existing persons at the same time.
          19. But God has never communicated in this manner, and all the conditions mentioned in #3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 exist right now.
          20. Therefore, God does not exist.

          You are welcome.

          1. “Their own folly leads people astray; in their hearts they rage against the LORD”—Proverbs 19:3 NAB
            God doesn’t operate according to your rules!
            He established “the laws of the universe” (Job 38:33 NLT).

  4. BA: “Their own folly leads people astray; in their hearts they rage against the LORD”—Proverbs 19:3 NAB

    GW: I don’t rage against the Lord. God doesn’t exist to be angry with. Duh.

    BA: God doesn’t operate according to your rules!

    GW: God doesn’t operate according to any rules. He doesn’t exist! But if he did exist, he would operate according to Correct Universal Ethics for Persons, which he would devise himself. He would obey the rules he invented. Duh.

    BA: He established “the laws of the universe” (Job 38:33 NLT).

    GW: False. God does not exist. There are two types of laws, which we have discussed before. One type is the laws of the universe. These simply describe how the universe works. And then there are moral laws. These dictate how persons should behave and not behave. God does not exist and thus has nothing to do with either of these. But if he did exist, he would devise both.

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