Can God the Father Be the Only Almighty?

Can God the Father Be the Only Almighty?


Is it possible that God the Father is the only one who is Almighty, and his Son, Jesus Christ and the holy Spirit are not Almighty?

“The Father is Almighty, the Son Almighty, and the Holy Spirit Almighty. And yet there are not three Almighties, but one Almighty”—Athanasian Creed

The Trinity doctrine asserts that the three Trinitarian beings “are co-equal and co-eternal.” Let’s examine what the Bible says about Almighty God.

The Bible uses the term Almighty many times to describe Yahweh, the Creator, and Father of Jesus, beginning at Genesis 17:1: “Abram is a son of ninety-nine years, and YHWH appears to Abram, and says to him, ‘I [am] God Almighty'” (LSV). Yahweh is thus said to be “God Almighty.”

According to Isaiah 40:25 and Isaiah 46:5, Yahweh the Almighty God has no equal.“Who will you compare Me to, or who is My equal?” asks the Holy One.” (Isaiah 40:25 HCSB) “Who will you compare Me or make Me equal to? Who will you measure Me with, so that we should be like each other?” (Isaiah 46:5 HCSB) The scriptures, as well as common sense, should tell us that the Almighty has no equal.

Jesus is called Mighty God (El Gibhor in Hebrew). “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 ESV) Trinitarians point out that Yahweh is referred to as, “The Mighty One, God, the LORD” (Psalm 50:1 NIV). This, of course, is true, God the Father and his Son, Jesus, are both “Mighty,” but that doesn’t make Jesus equal to his Father.

“Mighty God” does not mean “Almighty God.” This is evident in the NAB translation. “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:5 NAB; 9:6, others)

Notice the translation “God-Hero.” NAB footnote says: “God-Hero: a warrior and a defender of his people, like God himself.” But not God. Isaiah 9:7 also makes it clear that this “Mighty God” is not Almighty God: “Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.” (NIV) “He (Jesus) will reign on David’s throne.” The key point is that “the zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this,” who is Jesus’ Father.

Psalm 90:2 says: “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (ESV) God the Father has always existed and always will. No other being in the universe can make this claim, not even Jesus.

Jesus admitted that he was “from God,” (John 6:46 NIV) meaning he had not existed eternally. In fact, he said he was “the beginning of God’s creation” (Revelation 3:14 ESV), being “the firstborn of all creation” (Colossians 1:15 NASB), the first “creature” (KJV) God created.

Yahweh “never dies.” (Habakkuk 1:12 NJB) In contrast with this, Jesus said he “was dead” (Revelation 1:18 NLT HCSB) These two points establish that Jesus has not been eternal, but Yahweh has been “eternal” (1 Timothy 1:17 NIV). There is no co-eternity!

Scriptures Trinitarians sometimes use to attempt to assert Jesus is equal to God:

“I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) “I and the Father are of one accord” (Lamsa). “The Father and the Son are in perfect unity in their natures and actions, but the neuter form of ‘one’ rules out the meaning that they are one person” (Ryrie Study Bible). Hence, there is no equality here since Jesus says he is God’s Son in the same conversation:

“Do you say, You are blaspheming to the One the Father set apart and sent into the world, because I said: I am the Son of God?” (John 10:36 HCSB) He also says here that he is the “One the Father set apart and sent into the world.” The greater sends the lesser. No equality here!

“Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” (Philippians 2:6 KJV) A much better translation, however, is: “Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.” (Philippians 2:6 NAB) Philippians 2:6 is often used to assert Jesus’ so-called equality with God. Notice that even the NAB Trinitarian Catholic translation admits in its footnote to Philippians 2:6:“Many see an allusion to the Genesis story: unlike Adam, Jesus, ‘though… in the form of God’ (Genesis 1:26-27), did not reach out for equality with God, in contrast with the first Adam in Gn 3:5-6.'”

In fact, Jesus freely admitted: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28 REB) Also, “My Father… is greater than all.” (John 10:29). Thus, the superiority of his Father over him was made clear by Jesus. Therefore, there is no equality!

In Daniel, Almighty God is portrayed as “the Ancient of Days” and Jesus as “a son of man,” who receives a kingdom. “And I saw One like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was escorted before Him. He was given authority to rule, and glory, and a kingdom; so that those of every people, nation, and language should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13,14 HCSB)

There can be no question of the superiority of the “Ancient of Days” over this “son of man.” The “Son of Man,” in fact, was Jesus’ favorite self-description. Obviously, he was not equating himself with God. How about later, when he returned to heaven? Wouldn’t he then be equal to God, as Trinitarians claim? No! Jesus said he wouldn’t at his Sanhedrin trial when he said: “‘You have said it,’ Jesus told him. ‘But I tell you, in the future you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.'” (Matthew 26:64 HCSB)

At his second coming, therefore, Jesus said he would still be “the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power.” “The Power?” Obviously, God, the Father. God ultimately is “the Power,” not Jesus. Even at his second coming, there is still no equality!

What about the holy Spirit? It is asserted to be the Almighty. However, notice something very significant that Jesus said in this regard: “Concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32 ESV). Jesus said that his Father knows something that no one else knows, including himself and the holy Spirit. This leads to a question, “Is the holy Spirit a person?” The holy Spirit is called  “it” in John 1:32 (ESV), and “it” three times in John 14:17 (NAB), and in other scriptures. An “it” cannot be person, and certainly cannot be Almighty God.

How about Revelation, which refers to “the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Revelation 22:3). Sounds like equality, doesn’t it? Not really, since God retains the title “Almighty” exclusively, using it nine times in the book of Revelation. Heavenly creatures “fell down and worshipped God” (Revelation 19:4), not the Lamb, nor the holy Spirit. Heavenly creatures “praise our God” (Revelation 19:10) saying that “salvation, glory and power belong to our God.” (Revelation 19:1 HCSB) While the Lamb is praised as being “worthy to take the scroll and open its seals,” he still has to take “the scroll out of the right hand of the One seated on the throne.” (Revelation 5:9,7 HCSB) While the book is “the revelation of Jesus Christ,” it is the book that “God gave him.” (Revelation 1:1 HCSB) So God is the One in ultimate control, not Jesus. When Revelation says “the kingdom of our God” has now come, notice that it also says “the authority of His Messiah” has “now come.” (Revelation 12:10 HCSB) Since God needs no salvation or savior, this pronoun “His” is possessive, indicating ownership/control. Throughout Revelation, and the entire Bible, God the Father is shown to be in complete control, even of Jesus. No equality is even remotely possible!

In Revelation, right down to the end, Jesus retains his position as “the Son of Man” (Revelation 1:13), in submission “to His God and Father” (Revelation 1:6), who is the only “Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)  In fact, Revelation 21:22 speaks of “the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb” (ESV). Notice that “the Lord God the Almighty” is someone other than “the Lamb,” Jesus Christ.

“I will be a Father to you . . . says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18 HCSB). This scripture certainly clinches the fact that God the Father is the only Almighty.

According to the Bible, God the Father is the only Almighty. The Trinity is thus proven completely false!

One thought on “Can God the Father Be the Only Almighty?

  1. The best explanation I have ever seen of this proceeds thusly: God, is obviously beyond all dimensions.

    Therefore, Jesus is lower than the Father, because we see him! He is called “The Word”!

    Essentially, if we were to communicate with 2D beings, having width and length, but no height. Yet still beholden to time.

    And then we placed our outstretched hand in their midst to where only our fingers were visible; these creatures would see not one “being” but five “being(s)”!

    Also, our concept of time may be different than theirs. What may be eons for them, may only be a second for us?!

    Therefore, they would see five disks that they could relate to.

    Except in Jesus case, there was only one “disk” that we can relate to.

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