Gallio Inscription & the Bema Confirm Historical Accuracy of Acts

Gallio Inscription & the Bema Confirm Historical Accuracy of Acts

Is the Bible reliable?
The historical accuracy of Acts has been confirmed

The historical accuracy of Acts has been questioned, and asserted to be inaccurate. Many discoveries have confirmed the historical accuracy of Acts, two of which are the Gallio Inscription and the Bema in ancient Corinth.

“Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God. While Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews of Corinth made a united attack on Paul and brought him to the place of judgment”—Acts 18:11,12 NIV

The Gallio Inscription, consists of nine fragments found near the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, Greece, in 1908, mentions “Lucius Junius Gallio, my friend, and the proconsul of Achaia.” It is a copy of a letter from Roman Emperor Claudius and indicates that Gallio was the proconsul of Achaia at the time. The inscription further states that Claudius was confirmed Emperor for the 26th time, which dates it to late April/early May of the year 52 CE.

“Gallio’s proconsulship in Achaia is dated to A. D. 51-52 from an inscription discovered at Delphi. This has become an important date in establishing a chronology of the life and missionary work of the Apostle Paul”—NAB note on Acts 18:12.

“Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome”—Acts 18:1,2 NIV

“The Emperor Claudius expelled Jews from Rome ca. A. D. 49”—NAB note on Acts 18:2

This is why the start of Paul’s visit to Corinth is dated as 50 CE.

The Gallio Inscription is of tremendous importance in dating Paul’s 18 month stay in Corinth, and suggests that he was there from the fall of 50 until late spring of 52 CE.

” . . . brought him before the judgment seat [Greek: bema]”—Acts 18:12 NASB

“The judgment seat” is the “bema.”  The bema where Paul was tried in Corinth has been excavated. It is a large stone structure near the center of the agora, a large public area, and rises 7.5 feet above the pavement. It was originally covered in beautifully carved marble.  This was a place to deliver public speeches, and was where a judge, such as the proconsul, would sit or stand to listen to cases brought before him, and to render judgment.

“For ever, Yahweh, your word is planted in heaven. Your constancy endures from age to age”—Psalm 119:89,90 NJB

These artifacts discovered help to prove the historical accuracy of Acts, and are just a couple of the thousands of archaeological discoveries that have authenticated the Bible as true and accurate, which is what we would expect from something that “really is, the word of God” (1 Thessalonians 2:13 NASB). The more time that goes by, and the more discoveries that are made, the more the Bible is proven true and accurate. 

“All Scripture is inspired by God”—2 Timothy 3:16 NASB

This is all the more outstanding when we compare the numerous artifacts that have been discovered confirming the Bible, with the Book of Mormon and the Koran, which have none! Why do they have none? Because they were by “false prophets,” who wrote from “their own imaginations” (Ezekiel 13:3 NLT), without any ‘inspiration from God,’ and no basis in fact.

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