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Category: Holy Spirit

Are God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit a Trinity in 2 Thessalonians?

Are God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit a Trinity in 2 Thessalonians?

In the Bible book of 2 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul speaks of God, Jesus Christ, and the holy Spirit. If Paul and/or the early Christians believed Jesus is God or part of a Trinity, we should be able to find evidence of this in the New Testament letters. But is this the case in 2 Thessalonians? Is the Trinity in 2 Thessalonians? Let’s examine some of the pertinent verses to find out.

2 Thessalonians
Paul speaks of both God, Jesus, and the holy Spirit in 2 Thessalonians. But does he believe  God is a Trinity?

“To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1:1). In this very first verse, God is distinguished here from Jesus and there is no mention of the holy Spirit. read more

Is the Trinity in the Letter of 2 John?

Is the Trinity in the Letter of 2 John?

Is the Bible reliable?
Is the Trinity doctrine in 2 John?

We’re going to take a look at the relationship between God and Jesus in this short article about the Bible book of 2 John. Is there any indication that Jesus is God, or is equal to God? What about the holy Spirit? Is it mentioned in this letter? Are God and Jesus the same person, or are they two separate and distinct individuals? Is the Trinity in the letter of 2 John? Let’s find out.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son.” (2 John 1:3) Notice the conjunction “and” separates “God the Father” and “the Father’s Son”. Obviously, they are separate and distinct, with Jesus identified, not as “God the Son,” an expression that occurs nowhere in the Bible, but as “the Father’s Son.” read more

Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians?

Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians?

Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians? In the Bible book of 1 Thessalonians, are God and Jesus and spoken of as separate and distinct? Is the holy Spirit a person? Let’s examine these questions in some of the verses in 1 Thessalonians.

1 Thessalonians
Is the Trinity in 1 Thessalonians? God and Jesus are spoken of as separate and distinct in 1 Thessalonians

“In God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:1) Here, God and Jesus are referred to as two separate and distinct individuals. Why are they not “in” the holy Spirit, if it is a person?

“Before our God and Father… inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:3) God, the Father, is one person, and the Lord Jesus Christ is another person. read more

Is the Trinity in Philippians? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

Is the Trinity in Philippians? Is Jesus Christ Almighty God?

This article is part of our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and whether they together comprise a Trinity, in the various books of the New Testament. We will examine the four chapter book of Philippians. Notice the distinctive relationship between God and Jesus throughout this book of Philippians, especially the superior role of God compared to Jesus. What does it say about the holy Spirit? Is the Trinity in Philippians?

Is the Trinity found in Philippians? The superior role of God compared to Jesus is evident from the Bible book of Philippians

“To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi.” (Philippians 1:1) God is always the one in control, and is using Christ to gather his people. read more

Holy Spirit & Trinity – Greetings & Praises From/To In Bible Letters?

Holy Spirit & Trinity – Greetings & Praises From/To In Bible Letters?

In the Bible, particularly the New Testament letters, greetings are given from God and Jesus in 20 of the 21 New Testament canonical letters. We know that God the Father and Jesus Christ are both persons, so we should expect to see their greetings, and we do in these 20 letters. (Third John does not have such a greeting or praises.) But what about the Holy Spirit and the Trinity? If the holy Spirit is a person, or if the Trinity is a real entity, we should expect to see some type of greetings from the holy Spirit, and/or the Trinity, and/or praises to the holy spirit, or Trinity, as well. But is this the case? Let’s examine the greetings in the letters to find out. read more

Can One Who Believes in Trinity Have Relationship with God?

Can One Who Believes in Trinity Have Relationship with God?

Relationship with God

Many churches and preachers teach that the Trinity doctrine is true Biblical. On this basis, therefore many sincere Christians believe in the Trinity doctrine. Can a person who who in the Trinity have a relationship with God?

“It is God who judges”—Psalm 75:7 NIV;  “God is a righteous judge”—Psalm 7:11 NIV“He is a God of justice”—Psalm 50:6 NIV;  “Why do you judge your brother or sister?”—Romans 14:10 NIV;  “Be as wary as serpents, and as innocent as doves”—Matthew 10:16 NASB read more

Trinity Debate – Reply to a Trinitarian

Trinity Debate – Reply to a Trinitarian

The Trinity is not a Biblical beliefBelow are some excerpts from a debate with a Trinitarian on an online forum, with the Trinitarian’s comments quoted verbatim :

Trinitarian said…

“ONLY ONE DIVINE BEING who exists within himself eternally and simultaneously as three distinct Personal Self-Awarenesses, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”

These type of statements are pure fiction, as this premise has no Biblical support. Actually, there are three problems with them:​

  1. No Biblical proof
  2. Contradicts the Bible
  3. Makes no sense – eternal life depends on knowing God – John 17:3. Something that is nonsensical, like the Trinity God, cannot be known.

Trinitarian said…

“And it is true, since the Almighty IS Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet not three Almighties, but only ONE Almighty…and he has NO equal. There is none like our God. And our God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” read more

Can God the Father Be the Only Almighty?

Can God the Father Be the Only Almighty?

Is it possible that God the Father is the only one who is Almighty, and his Son, Jesus Christ and the holy Spirit are not Almighty?

“The Father is Almighty, the Son Almighty, and the Holy Spirit Almighty. And yet there are not three Almighties, but one Almighty”—Athanasian Creed

The Trinity doctrine asserts that the three Trinitarian beings “are co-equal and co-eternal.” Let’s examine what the Bible says about Almighty God.

The Bible uses the term Almighty many times to describe Yahweh, the Creator, and Father of Jesus, beginning at Genesis 17:1: “Abram is a son of ninety-nine years, and YHWH appears to Abram, and says to him, ‘I [am] God Almighty'” (LSV). Yahweh is thus said to be “God Almighty.” read more

The Trinity Doctrine in the Book of Hebrews?

The Trinity Doctrine in the Book of Hebrews?

Hebrews is a comprehensive treatise about Christian  doctrine. The Trinity doctrine is said to be the main doctrine of Christianity, so we would expect Hebrews to include significant mention of the Trinity doctrine, if it is true.

Is the Bible reliable?
Is the Trinity doctrine in the book of Hebrews?

In our series about what is stated concerning God the Father, his Son Jesus, and the holy Spirit in the various books of the New Testament, we examine all the relevant scriptures of the particular book. In this article, we will  examine the Letter to the Hebrews, and discover powerful testimony about whether or not the doctrine of the Trinity is in Hebrews. read more

Is the Doctrine of the Trinity in Acts?

Is the Doctrine of the Trinity in Acts?

Apostles' healings
In the book of Acts, did the Apostles teach or preach the Trinity doctrine?

This article is part of our series about what is stated concerning God, Jesus and the holy Spirit, and whether they comprise a Trinity, in the various books of the Bible. This article examines whether the Trinity was taught or preached the book of Acts of the Apostles.

Jesus had foretold that, “the Helper, the Holy Spirit which the Father will send in my place, will teach you everything and remind you of everything that I have told you (John 14:26 AAT). “The Helper, the Holy Spirit” would “guide [them] into all the truth” (John 16:13 NIV). Acts records for us how this was done, by documenting the spread of Christianity during its first three decades, including its beginning, when the holy Spirit was “poured out” (Acts 2:33). If the Trinity doctrine is true, then it should be evident in the book of Acts, which records how Christianity was established throughout the Roman Empire. read more

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