A photo of Gehenna at JerusalemMany Bibles render the Hebrew words Sheol, Gehenna and Hades as “Hell”. What are the accurate translations?
The following is an actual discussion about this issue.
BA: “Hell” translates the Greek word “hades”, not “Gehenna”.
XX: Please present evidence from an expert on your claim about the translation. I want quotes, citations, and links.
BA–“Gehenna . . . It is place where the wicked are destroyed body and soul, which perhaps echos the idea of annihilation (Mt 10:28). . . . These passages suggest the apocalyptic imagery of other NT passages is to be taken for what is, imagery, and not as strictly literal theological affirmation”—Dictionary of the Bible, pp 299-300, by John L McKenzie, S. J.read more
Are the Doctrines of Purgatory and Hellfire in the Bible?
“Those who contend with you shall be as nothing and will perish . . . Those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent”—Isaiah 41:11,12 NASB
The Bible teaches that death is non-existence. Purgatory is a Catholic doctrine which teaches there is an intermediate state after physical death in which some of those ultimately destined for heaven must first undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven, holding that certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come. But what does the Bible teach? Let’s compare some Catholic claims about the doctrine of Purgatory to the Scriptures.
Is the doctrine of Purgatory a true Biblical teaching?
Catholics claim:
Those that build their foundations on wood, grass or straw will be burned when we are purified to go to purgatory. Yet they will saved though only as men are saved by passing through fire. All people who go to purgatory will be saved though suffering (fire).
Paul was using word pictures, such as metaphors, in the account at 1 Corinthians 3:10-17. He uses simile in verse 15 saying “the person will be saved, but ONLY AS THROUGH FIRE.” (Catholic New American Bible [NAB])
The fire is figurative for spiritual cleansing and difficulty prior to death, not after! Even the Catholic New American Bible (NAB) footnote on this verse admits: “THE TEXT OF V 15 HAS SOMETIMES BEEN USED TO SUPPORT THE NOTION OF PURGATORY, THOUGH IT DOES NOT ENVISAGE THIS.”
Catholics claim:
1 John 5:16 gives us the idea that there are sins “unto death” and sins that “are not unto death.” Sins that are unto death are those sins committed that kill the soul. Those sins that are not unto death are those sins that injure the soul but do not kill it. These are the sins that are forgiven in purgatory. We see purgatory all over the Old Testament sometimes called the bosom of Abraham or Sheol.
When you actually look at the scriptures, such as 1 John 5:16, you’ll see that it says: “IF ANYONE SEES HIS BROTHER SINNING, if the sin is not deadly, he should pray to God.” (NAB) This is obviously talking about a brother that is sinning who is still alive, not someone who is dead in “purgatory.”