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Category: Roman Catholic Church

Apocrypha – Inspired by God or Invented by Humans?

Apocrypha – Inspired by God or Invented by Humans?

What is the source of the Apocrypha?

“I shall bring my work to an end here too. If it is well composed and to the point, that is just what I wanted. If it is worthless and mediocre, that is all I could manage”—2 Maccabees 15:37,38 NJB

The writer of the Apocryphal book 2 Maccabees, in effect, admits that he is not inspired by God.

The Apocrypha is accepted as being genuine by some people and some large religious organizations, such as the Roman Catholic Church, today, but rejected by many others. Some of it is included in various versions of the Bible, but is absent in most. The Apocryphal books accepted as canonical and part of the Old Testament (OT), by the Roman Catholic Church are: Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach, or Ben Sira), Baruch, and several additions to Esther and Daniel. read more

Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

Sex orgies, prostitution, porn: Allegations shake Catholic Church in Italy

St. Peter's Square (Catholic Church)
St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City
(Photo: Giorgio Onorati, epa)

USA today reports accusations of Catholic priests  involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution in a news article dated March 9, 2017. Let’s take a look at the article:

Lurid accusations of priests involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution have emerged from several parishes in Italy recently, sending shock waves all the way to the Vatican and challenging the high standards Pope Francis demands of clergy.

In the southern city of Naples, for example, a priest was recently suspended from the parish of Santa Maria degli Angeli over claims he held gay orgies and used Internet sites to recruit potential partners whom he paid for sex. read more

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