Many people professing to be Christians today believe the Bible is useful but incomplete and needs to be supplemented by their own teachings and writings. But is this the case? Is it possible that the Bible completely equips us?
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17) The Bible completely equips Christians because it is the only divinely inspired more
“Lord, Lord, did we not . . . in your name perform many miracles”—Matthew 7:22 NIV
The gift of healing was given by God on occasion in the Bible as a demonstration of his power to perform miracles. But can miracles come from a bad source? In the book of Exodus, the priests of Egypt were able to perform miracles similar to those performed through Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:8-12). In Deuteronomy, God’s people were warned about those who practice divination and sorcery (Deuteronomy 18:10-12).read more
God can do all things that are good! But are people divinely healed today?
Does divine healing still happen today?
“With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) Just because God CAN do all things does not mean he actually DOES all things, at all times.
“Large crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet, and He healed them. So the crowd marveled as they saw the mute speaking, the crippled restored, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing, and the glorified the God of Israel” (Matthew 15:30,31 NASB). There is no doubt that many were miraculously healed by Jesus and his apostles. Does this mean that people are miraculously healed today? Well, do we see ‘the mute being made to speak, the crippled healed, the lame enabled to walk, blind people’s sight restored, etc.’? — No, we don’t!read more
Overpopulation – a justified excuse to murder the unborn?
The short answer is “no!” Murder is never justified by God.
Is overpopulation an excuse that justifies abortion?
“For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come – sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.” (Mark 7:21-23)
Using “overpopulation” as an excuse to murder the unborn is no more valid an excuse than starting a war to reduce population. Why not start fires to kill people to reduce population? Why bother with putting older and disabled people in long term care homes? Why not just execute them to reduce population?read more
Nationalism can be defined as loyalty and devotion to a nation, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Nationalism often involves exalting one’s own nation above all others, and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations. There is nothing wrong with loving the area in which one lives. Respecting and obeying the laws of the land is required by Almighty God himself (Romans 13:1-7). But is nationalism for Christians? If we examine the Bible carefully, do we find that nationalism could be considered idolatry?read more
Should Christians be concerned with pollution and climate change?
With soaring, record high global temperatures, floods, fires, droughts, melting ice, sea level rise, and other climate extremes and disruptions in the news every day, should Christians be concerned about pollution and climate change? Some Christians feel that they are definitely saved, and bound for heaven, and that God will destroy the earth with fire, wrongly interpreting “fire” in 2 Peter 3:7,10literally.. Therefore, they feel no sense of responsibility to take care of the earth. Others feel so strongly about the climate change problem that they become climate activists, and protest about climate change in various ways, even going to extremes in some cases, even to the point of risking their lives for the climate. Is this how God wants us to think and act? While the Bible does not use the terms “climate change,” “pollution,” “global warming,” etc., we can gain insight into God’s thinking by examining various Bible statements and more
Second Clue: It’s not any date selected by humans.
Third Clue: It’s a celebration commanded by Jesus himself to be memorialized.
Fourth Clue: It’s not the Christianized pagan celebration of Easter.
Fifth clue: It’s not the meticulously calculated “Memorial of Jesus’ Death”, in which few to none partake of the wine and bread, as celebrated by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Sixth clue: It’s not a day to memorialize those who died in wars.
So what is it then?
“Then he took a loaf, gave thanks, and broke it in pieces, and gave it to them, and said, ‘This is my body which is to be given for you. Do this as a memorial to me.'” (Luke 22:19 Williams New Testament, emphasis added) “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup and said, ‘This cup is God’s new covenant, sealed with my blood. Whenever you drink it, do so in memory of me'” (1 Corinthians 11:25 GNB). “Do this in memory of me.” (Luke 22:19 NAB) Obviously, this is the unleavened bread, symbolizing Jesus’ body, partaken of by true Christians. This is the real Memorial Day for more
Today, Christians are called by such names as, Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and many other names. But, according to the Bible, what name should Christians really be called, and why? How long has the term “Christian” been in use, and who invented it? The answer to these questions can be found in the Bible.
“It was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians” (Acts 11:26 NAB). God was behind the development of the use of the term “Christians” within a few years of the start of Christianity. Notice how this verse can also be rendered: “the disciples also were divinely called first in Antioch Christians” (Young’s Literal Translation).
Years later, at Paul’s final hearing before Roman governor Festus, the governor asked: “Do you think you can persuade me to become a Christian so quickly?” (Acts 26:28 NLT) So obviously, they were being called Christians at this later time as well.
“If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” (1 Peter 4:16 NIV) Being a Christian meant then, and means today, bearing “that name,” not just as a label, but the entire Christian way of life, including suffering, if necessary.
That’s why, apparently, that six times in the book of Acts, Christianity is referred to as “the Way.” Notice the references:
Called “The Way”
“Any who belonged to the Way, whether men or women.” (Acts 9:2 NIV) Early Christianity was often referred to as “the Way.”
“Publicly speaking against the Way.” (Acts 19:9 NLT) Early Christians experienced persecution, via slander in this case.
“I worship the God of our ancestors as a follower of the Way, which they call a sect.” (Acts 24:14 NIV) Paul here says he is a follower of the Christian Way, which opposing Jews called a divisive sect.
“I persecuted followers of this Way to their death.” (Acts 22:4 NIV) Paul admits his former wrong attitude and action.
“Felix, who was well acquainted with the Way.” (Acts 24:22 NIV)
“Felix, who was accurately informed about the Way.” (Acts 24:22 NAB) Early Christianity was called “the Way,” because Christianity was a way of life.
“We know that people everywhere are talking against this sect.” (Acts 28:22 NIV) Early Christianity was viewed as a breakaway sect from Judaism.
Other Descriptions, but Not Other Names
In the New Testament, there are other references to the first century Christian groups, such as: