What scriptures in the Bible help us to get Almighty God’s viewpoint of abortion? The purpose of this article, and indeed this website, is not to get involved in any partisan politics, but to advocate for God’s Word, the Bible. As the late Billy Graham said late in life, he wished he’d stayed out of politics. Yet, the Bible is very “useful for . . . correction” (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV).
In an opinion column in the Tallahassee Democrat on March 6, 2018, Rabbi Jack Romberg says that “Jewish tradition . . . considers a fetus a life, but not equivalent to a fully formed human life”. That may be true about Jewish tradition. He should know, being a Rabbi. But, he unfortunately, goes on to make a false statement about the Bible. He claims “This is based on Exodus 21:22 through 25, which makes clear the loss of a fetus by human misconduct is not punished the same way as murder”. Since the Rabbi probably uses the TANAKH, which is a Jewish translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, or Old Testament, let’s quote these verses from there: