Should Modern Christians Speak In “Tongues”?

Millions of people around the world claim to have the “gift of tongues”, and to be able to “speak in tongues”. That the Bible speaks of such a gift is beyond dispute. The New Testament books of Acts and 1 Corinthians contain historical and doctrinal information relating to this gift of the spirit. What about today? Is the miraculous gift of “speaking in tongues” still happening today?
What Were They?
First of all, let’s consider what “speaking in tongues” was in the 1st century. When miraculous “tongues” were first spoken, “there were devout Jews from every nation” present in the crowd, and although “all these people who [were] speaking [were] Galileans . . . each [person in the crowd heard] them in his own native language” (Acts 2:4-8 NAB). In attendance at that gathering of Jews from all around the Roman Empire were people from about 15 diverse areas, who were native speakers of about that many different languages, hearing Galilean Jews “speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves” (Acts 2:4 NJB). These speakers were empowered by the holy Spirit to miraculously speak foreign languages that they did not know. And yet, each person in the crowd heard “them preaching in [their] own native language about the marvels of God” (Acts 2:11 NJB).