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Author: BibleAuthenticity

False Messiahs of Jesus’ Prophecy Is Coming True

False Messiahs of Jesus’ Prophecy Is Coming True

“False messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones”—Matthew 24:24 NLT

One of the many ways that Jesus’ prophecy is being fulfilled can be seen in recent US national politics. The following BBC online article illustrates this.

‘Anointed by God’: The Christians who see Trump as their saviour

Many churchgoers consider Trump their hope as more Americans turn away from religion.

Aleem Maqbool, BBC, November 16, 2024 Religion editor@AleemMaqbool
BBC A red baseball cap emblazoned with the words: Jesus is my savior, Trump is my presidentBBC

Standing on a podium in a Florida convention centre on the night of the election, a row of American flags behind him and a jubilant crowd looking on, Donald Trump declared: “Many people have told me that God spared my life for a reason, and that reason was to save our country and to restore America to greatness.” read more

Were the “Ten Tribes of Israel” Really “Lost”?

Were the “Ten Tribes of Israel” Really “Lost”?

Over the centuries, there have been, and still are, many claims, assertions and theories, that after the northern Ten Tribe Kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrian Empire in about the year 722 BCE, and then were deported to Assyria, they eventually became “lost”. There have been many volumes written about such ideas. Were the ten tribes of Israel really lost? Theories notwithstanding, what is important is what the Bible says. Let’s examine the claims in the light of the scriptures, 
Is the Bible reliable?
Were the “Ten Tribes of Israel” Really “Lost”?
and we’ll see if there is any validity to such assertions (1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 John 4:1).. THE BACKGROUND The original “twelve tribes of Israel” (Exodus 24:4) established by Almighty God were in a covenant relationship with him which promised them certain blessings and protections, in return for their strict obedience to the Law Covenant (Exodus 19:5-8; Leviticus 24:1-13). However, they were warned of the dire consequences of disobedience (Leviticus 24:14-39).  Gross apostasy on the part of Israel king Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-13) was punished by a split of the twelve tribe united Kingdom of Israel, circa 930 BCE, into two parts, with “Judah and the tribe of Benjamin” (1 Kings 12:16-24making up the southern two tribe kingdom, and the other “ten tribes” (1 Kings 11:31,35making up the northern kingdom. In flagrant violation of the Law Covenant, “the ten tribes” “worshipped other gods, they followed the practices of the nations whom Yahweh had disposed” (2 Kings 17:7,8 NJB). As a result, Yahweh allowed the terms of the covenant to be carried out in punishment, but not all at once. BEFORE THE ASSYRIAN CAPTIVITY During the reign of good king Asa of Judah, circa 900 BCE, there was a flow of “many people” from the northern ten tribe kingdom of Israel, into the southern two tribe kingdom of Judah. We read: “He summoned all Judah and Benjamin as well as those Ephraimites, Manassehites and Simeonites who had settled with them—for a great many people from =&0=& From this we learn that “many people” from Israel at this early stage of the ten tribe kingdom were already living in the southern two tribe kingdom. “In the time of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria came and took Ijon, Abel Beth Maacah, Janoah, Kedesh and Hazor. He took Gilead and Galilee, including all the land of =&1=& This first deportation from the northern ten tribe kingdom into Assyria was late in Pekah’s reign, circa 730 BCE. The second, and final deportation, is described as follows: THE CONQUEST AND CAPTIVITY “In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the Israelites to Assyria . . . So the people of Israel were taken from their homeland into exile in Assyria, and they are still there”—2 Kings 17:6, 23 NIV The above seems to indicate that there was an en masse total deportation, and that also the Israelites who were deported from their ten tribes may never have returned to their homeland, which is likely true. However, from the scriptures we also learn that not all of the Israelites who lived in the northern ten tribe kingdom were deported from their native soil in Israel, so there was not not a total en masse deportation. However, notice something else that happened: “The king of Assyria brought people from =&2=& This sounds like the Israelites who were living in the land of the ten tribe northern kingdom were entirely replaced by foreign people that the king of Assyria brought in to live and take possession of the land. However, other scriptures reveal that was not the case, as we shall see from looking at other scriptures. AFTER THE ASSYRIAN CAPTIVITY “Hezekiah sent messengers to all Israel and Judah, and also wrote letters to Ephraim and Mansseh, bidding them to come to the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover in honor of Yahweh, God of Israel. The courtiers went from town to town through the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh, and as far as Zebulun, but the people laughed and scoffed at them; even so, some people from Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun were humble enough to come to =&3=&
Neanderthals Were Humans – Evolutionary Theory Disturbed

Neanderthals Were Humans – Evolutionary Theory Disturbed

Neanderthals have for some time been explained and drawn as subhumans, a “cave-man” type species, if you will. Those who believed what the Bible says, for example, “God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind”, “God created human beings in his own image” (Genesis 1:25,27 NLT), have often been ridiculed by those who believed that humans evolved gradually from lower animals into humans. One of these lower creatures, it was asserted, was called Neanderthals. Recent discoveries, however, have forced evolutionists to revise their theory yet again, this time admitting that Neanderthals were near enough relatives to modern day humans that they interbred with humans to the point that the so-called Neanderthal species disappeared. read more

New Study Proves “Time” Assertion of Evolutionists Is Impossible

New Study Proves “Time” Assertion of Evolutionists Is Impossible

No one disputes Micro-Evolution, that is, small changes within ‘kinds’ (Genesis 1:11,12,21,24,25), such as varieties of dogs, cats, etc. It is Macro-Evolution, that is, wholesale changes of one species into an entirely new species, that is disputed. Since such an assertion has never been observed, Evolutionists claim that over very long periods of time, perhaps millions of years, such large changes have definitely taken place. 

The Bible makes clear that “The Lord God Almighty . . . created all things” (Revelation 4:8,11). “How countless are your works, Yahweh, all of of them made so wisely!” (Psalm 104:24 NJB). Actual documented evidence proves that all creatures reproduce only “according to their kinds” (Genesis 1:21 ESV; NIV). read more

“We Do Not Peddle the Word of God for Profit”, or Do We?

“We Do Not Peddle the Word of God for Profit”, or Do We?

Former President Donald Trump rolled out a new leather-bound 'God Bless the USA' Bible in a video posted to Truth Social.
Former President Donald Trump rolled out a new leather-bound “God Bless the USA” Bible in a video posted to Truth Social. | Truth Social

“Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God”—2 Corinthians 2:17 NIV

Contrast the above Bible principle with the facts presented in the following article:

BBC News, Washington

“Former US President Donald Trump is making money from branded bibles . . . 

Federal candidates are required to file disclosures each year detailing their income, investments, assets and liabilities . . .

Trump has made $300,000 (£273,000) from branded bibles, listed on the financial disclosure form as “The Greenwood Bible”. . . read more

Is God’s Name Yahweh, GOD, the LORD, or Jehovah?

Is God’s Name Yahweh, GOD, the LORD, or Jehovah?

God’s name is often written as “the LORD” in most Bible translations. Some translations use “Jehovah” for God’s name. However, Lord is not a name but a title. “One of the titles for God is Lord, a translation of Adonai. There is yet another name for which is particularly assigned to God as His special or proper name, that is, the four letters YHWH (Exodus 3:14 and Isaiah 42:8)”  [NASB, Principles of Translation).

“Indeed, there are many gods and many lords, yet for us there is but one God, the Father” (1 Corinthians 8:5,6 NASB). In the Old Testament, or Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures, God’s name is Yahweh. “I am Yahweh, that is my name!” (Isaiah 42:8 NJB). The name Yahweh appears some 6,800 times in the manuscripts of the Old Testament, or Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures. Yet, “this name has not been pronounced by Jews because of reverence for the great sacredness of the divine name. Therefore it has been consistently translated as LORD. The only exception  . . . is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is regularly translated GOD to avoid confusion” [Ibed.]. Of course, there would be no worry about such “confusion,” if YHWH were translated accurately as Yahweh. read more

Bible Knowledge Solves Trinity Enigma

Bible Knowledge Solves Trinity Enigma

Photo man reading the bible man reading the bible

There is no doubt that Almighty God, the God of the Bible exists! But what is he like? Jesus said, “God is a spirit” (John 4:24 ESV). But what exactly is the spirit called God? The Trinity doctrine is usually presented as the main explanation of God, and is widely believed to be true because it is said to be in the Bible. But, even its most scholarly adherents and proponents admit they don’t really understand it, calling it a “mystery”. Can Bible knowledge solve the Trinity mystery? read more

The Earth’s Rivers Say: “God’s Design Is Best!”

The Earth’s Rivers Say: “God’s Design Is Best!”

Many of the earth’s rivers have been modified by humans over the centuries. Now, humans are beginning to learn that “God knows best”, as the following BBC article illustrates, by giving just a few examples. 

“Speak to the earth to instruct you, and to the fish of the sea to inform you. Which of these does not know that the hand of God has done this?”—Job 12:7,8 NAB

How restoring rivers’ natural curves can prevent flooding

BBC—-19 September 2024, — Frankie Adkins  
Alamy Newly restored, Swindale Beck now wiggles its way through the Lake District National Park (Credit: Alamy)Alamy

For centuries meandering rivers have been straightened – but experts say restoring their natural bends and curves can prevent flooding and create healthy habitats for wildlife. read more

The Brain Is Incredibly Complex–Evidence of a Creator!

The Brain Is Incredibly Complex–Evidence of a Creator!

“I  will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this”—Psalm 139:14 GWT

The brain is incredibly complex, far more complex than humans can understand at present, as the following BBC article gives evidence of. While modern science generally does not recognize or acknowledge a divine Creator, scientific evidence does give us more and more factual information to support what the Bible says about  “the Lord God Almighty”, “who created all things” (Revelation 4:8,11). read more

Is Jesus Christ Equal To God?

Is Jesus Christ Equal To God?

Is Jesus Christ equal to God? Based on the following scripture, and what they have heard, or been told, many people think so.

 “For this reason the Jews were seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the sabbath, but was also calling God his own Father, thereby making himself equal to God” (John 5:19 NRSV). 

If we look at this scripture closely, and think about it logically, there are three serious problems with the claim that Jesus made himself equal with God, and so he must be God.. read more

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