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Author: BibleAuthenticity

Was Jesus “The Angel of The LORD” In The Old Testament?

Was Jesus “The Angel of The LORD” In The Old Testament?

The Angel of the Lord appearing to Hagar in the wilderness, as depicted by Nicolas Colombel in the mid 17th century

Sometimes Trinitarians claim that Jesus was “the Angel of the LORD” in the Old Testament. The following is an actual discussion with a Trinitarian who is very adamant about such a claim. In the quoted discussion below,”T” stands for the Trinitarian, and “BA” stands for us at this website.

T—Most of the Christophanies in the Old Testament are accomplished by the entity called “the Angel of the Lord.”

BA—There are no “Christophanies” in the OT. Not a single scripture supports such a thing.“And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior” (2 Timothy 2:10 NIV). Jesus was alive all during the OT, but never appeared to anyone on earth until the NT. read more

The BCE/CE Or The BC/AD Dating System?

The BCE/CE Or The BC/AD Dating System?

Anno Domini inscription at Klagenfurt Cathedral, Austria

Should we use the BCE/CE or the BC/AD dating system? There are many Christians who perceive the BCE/CE dating system to be an affront to Christianity. They see the system as an attempt to eliminate “Christ” from the calendar, just as many reject the expression “x-mas” for removing “Christ” from Christmas. Some simply appeal to arguments of tradition and familiarity with the system. For these reasons, they insist on using the BC/AD dating system.

Why do we use BCE and CE at this website rather than BC and AD? First of all, just to clarify, we want to say that we, at this website, are not in any way promoting the ungodly secularism of the world. We also want to make clear that using either one of these dating methodologies is not a matter of right or wrong. The scriptures make clear that everything is not a matter of faith: read more

Discovery – “Evolution Will Have To Be Rewritten Again”

Discovery – “Evolution Will Have To Be Rewritten Again”

Based on a new discovery, human evolution will have to be rewritten again, for the umpteenth time. The theory of macro-evolution presents the idea that life gradually developed from non-life as a single-celled organism, and from this over many millions of years evolutionary changes took place and many types of creatures came into being, with the final result being that humans developed from ape-like creatures. One of these that is thought to be closest to humans are called “Neanderthals”. Theories about exactly who these Neanderthals are have undergone many changes over the last 150 years. The Bible has said all along that, “From one human being he created all races of people and made them live throughout the whole earth” (Acts 17:26 GNB).   read more

Is There A Part, or Portion, of The Holy Spirit?

Is There A Part, or Portion, of The Holy Spirit?

It is often said that the holy Spirit is “the third person of the Trinity”, the three-in-one Godhead. Can it be, however, that there can be a part of the holy Spirit, only “a portion” of the holy Spirit? Yes, this is exactly what the scriptures themselves indicate, as we will see from the following scriptures:

“The LORD then came down in the cloud and spoke to him. Taking some of the spirit that was on Moses, he bestowed it on the seventy elders; and as the spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied but did not continue”—Numbers 11:25 NAB read more

First Vatican Council – Pope Infallible & Mary Sinless?

First Vatican Council – Pope Infallible & Mary Sinless?

The Christian Post published an article on December 8, 2024 about the First Vatican Council, which began December 8, 1869. This Roman Catholic Church Council decided that the pope, the leader of the Church cannot make a mistake about certain matters of faith, and that Jesus’ mother, Mary, never sinned. Are these claims actually Biblical? We’ll see.

Part of this article appears below:

This week in Christian history: . . . First Vatican Council begins

First Vatican Council begins – Dec. 8, 1869

A contemporary painting of the gathering of Catholic Church leaders for the First Vatican Council, which went f<a class=rom 1869 to 1870." width="400" height="245" />
A contemporary painting of the gathering of Catholic Church leaders for the First Vatican Council, which went from 1869 to 1870. | Wikimedia Commons

This week marks the anniversary of when the First Vatican Council, an influential gathering of Catholic Church leaders that would last nearly a year, held its opening proceedings. read more

Sexual Abuse By Catholic Clergy Settled in New York

Sexual Abuse By Catholic Clergy Settled in New York

The state of New York has settled a class action lawsuit over sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, and others are pending. What does this tell us about the Catholic Church? What does the Bible have to say about sexual misconduct? 

“Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire”—Jude 7 NAB

All types of sexual immorality are condemned by the Bible. However, the Catholic Church has often looked the other way, or even worse, has covered up such gross wrongdoing by its leaders. The Bible even foretold one of the contributing factors that has led to such wickedness. read more

How Are The Promises To Abraham Fulfilled?

How Are The Promises To Abraham Fulfilled?


“The promises were made to Abraham . . . God bestowed it on Abraham through a promise” (Galatians 3:17,18 NAB). But how are the promises made to Abraham fulfilled?

“Those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham who had faith”—Galatians 3:9 NAB

“If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendant, heirs according to the promise”—Galatians 3:29 NAB

All genuine Christians, therefore inherit the blessings promised to Abraham. 

“He was to be the father of all the uncircumcised who believe . . . as well as the father of the circumcised who . . . also follow the path of faith the our father Abraham walked”—-Romans 4:11,12 NAB read more

Can Anyone Today Prove They Are A Jew?

Can Anyone Today Prove They Are A Jew?

וּדִים‬‎ (Yehudim)

Some today strongly believe that Jews are still God’s favored people. But, can anyone today prove they are a Jew?

In a sense, we can say that some of us Christians today are Americans, some are British, some are Hispanic, some are African, some are Chinese, etc. We can also say that some are male and some are female. We can also say that many are Gentiles, and a few are Jews.

In another sense, we can accurately say, that, for Christians, according to the scriptures, “Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all” (Colossians 3:11 NIV). read more

Which Jerusalem for Christians – “Present”,”Above”, or “Heavenly”?

Which Jerusalem for Christians – “Present”,”Above”, or “Heavenly”?

Many Christians today strongly feel that “Israel according to the flesh” (1 Corinthians 10:18 NAB) is still ‘God’s chosen people”, and that the modern day Republic of Israel has a place in God’s purpose, and fulfilled Bible prophecy when it was established in 1948. They believe that Old Testament prophecies of the restoration of Israel are fulfilling and will be fulfilled in a physical, literal way. Which Jerusalem matters to Christians? This article will consider what the scriptures themselves say. read more

Is Sabbath Keeping Required of Christians?

Is Sabbath Keeping Required of Christians?

  What Is the Sabbath Day? Definition & Command of Rest

Some preachers and Christians groups insist that Sabbath keeping is required of Christians. They often go so far as to say that unless a person faithfully observes a weekly Sabbath day, they have no relationship with God. They claim that Christians must observe a weekly Sabbath like the ancient Israelites did under the Old Covenant. If a person doesn’t do this, they assert, that person cannot gain eternal life. Notice what one such very devoted sabbath keeper promotes:

Sabbath keeping promoter— “So is the law of the Sabbath now no longer obligatory because it is not mentioned in the NT? Many arguments believe this is to be so. The Sabbath is no longer ‘binding?’ Some contend it has been incorporated in the,‘forsake not the gathering of yourselves together.’ Also a Word from the Apostleship. But is Saturday the Sabbath reveled to Moses on a six day work, rest one by the Gregorian Calendar the obligatory Sabbath or even SUNday? No. However, one day in seven is a Sabbath as commanded by Yahweh as revealed to Moses. The Decalogue remains intact as given by Yahweh to Israel.”  read more

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