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Month: April 2018



“Wisdom is a shelter the same as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.” (Eccl 7:12 NIV) Money certainly has some value. It is a protection, to an extent, and a gift from God also, in a way. Proper use of knowledge and wisdom is even more valuable, however. The folk saying ‘A fool and his money are soon parted’ certainly backs up this Bible proverb.

We need a balanced view of money. “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.” (Pr 30:8-9) Both wealth and poverty have their potential pitfalls. A person is usually much better off to be somewhere in the middle. The problem with always desiring more? “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income, this too is meaningless.” (Eccl 5:10 NIV) Such a person is never satisfied. The greater a person’s desire for money, the worse it gets. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Tim 6:10 NIV) Even a rich person without an inordinate desire for more money usually has problems that “come with the territory,” so to speak. “The sleep of the laborer is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as for the rich, their abundance permits them no sleep.” (Eccl 5:12 NIV) A rich person has a lot of material things to think and worry about, unlike the average person who doesn’t have so much to worry about. read more



Critics of the Bible claim that there is no evidence of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Could Jesus’ empty tomb possibly be evidence of Jesus’ resurrection?

“But God knew what would happen, and his prearranged plan was carried out when Jesus was betrayed. With the help of lawless Gentiles, you nailed him to a cross and killed him. But God released him from the horrors of death and raised him back to life, for death could not keep him in its grip. King David said this about him: ‘I see that the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your Holy One to rot in the grave. You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.’ ‘Dear brothers, think about this! You can be sure that the patriarch David wasn’t referring to himself, for he died and was buried, and his tomb is still here among us.'” (Acts 2:23-29 NLT) read more

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